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Exclusion and Urban Public High Schools: Short- and Long-Term Consequences of School Suspensions
American Journal of Education ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.1086/698454
Elizabeth M. Chu , Douglas D. Ready

Critics of school disciplinary policies have long noted that African American, male, low-achieving, and special education students experience higher rates of school suspensions and expulsions. However, research that seeks to estimate the effects of suspensions on student outcomes rarely accounts for the preexisting differences that distinguish students who are and are not suspended. Using quasi-experimental methods and longitudinal data from New York City, we estimated the associations between suspension and academic outcomes and found that, even with more sophisticated methods, the negative relationships between suspension and outcomes persist. Specifically, we found that suspended students had weaker attendance, course completion rates, and standardized test scores; were more likely to drop out; and were less likely to graduate within 4, 5, or 6 years.



长期以来,学校纪律政策的批评者一直指出,非裔美国人、男性、成绩不佳和特殊教育的学生被停学和开除的比例更高。然而,旨在估计停学对学生成绩影响的研究很少考虑区分被停学和未被停学的学生的预先存在的差异。使用纽约市的准实验方法和纵向数据,我们估计了停学与学业成绩之间的关联,发现即使使用更复杂的方法,停学与成绩之间的负面关系仍然存在。具体来说,我们发现停课学生的出勤率、课程完成率和标准化考试成绩较差;更有可能辍学;并且不太可能在 4、5、