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HATNÉK-nominalization: Two subtypes of a highly verbal Hungarian deverbal nominalization
Acta Linguistica Academica ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1556/2062.2017.64.2.1
Gábor Alberti 1 , Judit Farkas 2 , Veronika Szabó 1

The paper discusses two subtypes of a special kind of Hungarian deverbal nominalization, “HATNEK-nominalization”, whose derivational suffix -hAtnek coincides with a sequence of the following three verbal suffixes: (i) the permissive modal suffix -hAt ‘can’, (ii) the conditional suffix -ne-, and (iii) a number-person suffix -k. Within the system of Hungarian deverbal nominalizations, a very high degree of verbalness is typical of both HATNEK-noun subtypes, of which we attribute a Giusti-style split-DP structure to the basic type, while the other, special, subtype is argued to have an exceptional structure with an “unboundedly expandable” (Spec,NP) position, capable of hosting huge verbal “inclusions”.



本文讨论了一种特殊的匈牙利副词名词化的子类型,即“ HATNEK-nominalization”,其派生后缀-hAtnek与以下三个语言后缀的序列重合:(i)允许模态后缀-hAt'can',( ii)条件后缀-ne-和(iii)数字人后缀-k。在匈牙利谚语名词化系统中,两种HATNEK名词亚型都具有很高的言语表达能力,我们将Giusti风格的split-DP结构归因于基本类型,而另一种特殊的亚型被认为是具有“无限扩展”(Spec,NP)位置的出色结构,能够容纳巨大的口头“包含物”。