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Covert multilingualism: The case of the translation policy in France and Belgium during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era
Across Languages and Cultures ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2016-06-01 , DOI: 10.1556/084.2016.17.1.6
Michael Schreiber 1

The language policy of the French Revolution is known today especially for the imposition of the national language and the oppression of the dialects and regional languages in France. In my contribution, I want to focus on a less known aspect: the translation policy. From 1790 on, several decrees stipulated the translation of national laws and decrees into the regional languages in France. From the mid-1790s on, the translation policy was extended to other countries and regions under French rule. I will consider the case of the Southern Netherlands (Belgium), annexed by France in October 1795 and under French administration until the end of the Napoleonic era. According to the opinio communis, the period under consideration was strictly monolingual in France and Belgium, with French as the only language of administration and justice. I will argue that there was a covert multilingualism, that today is often ignored.



法国大革命的语言政策今天尤其以强加民族语言和压迫法国方言和地区语言而闻名。在我的贡献中,我想关注一个鲜为人知的方面:翻译政策。从 1790 年开始,多项法令规定将国家法律和法令翻译成法国的地方语言。从 1790 年代中期开始,翻译政策扩展到法国统治下的其他国家和地区。我将考虑荷兰南部(比利时)的情况,该地区于 1795 年 10 月被法国吞并并在法国管理下直到拿破仑时代结束。根据共同意见,所考虑的时期在法国和比利时是严格单一语言的,法语是行政和司法的唯一语言。