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Translating irony in media texts: A relevance theory perspective
Across Languages and Cultures ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1556/084.2017.18.2.5
Angela Kamyanets 1

The focus of the paper is on ironic statements in Ukrainian media texts and their English translations. The theoretical framework underpinning the text analysis is Sperber and Wilson’s account of verbal irony as echoic allusion to an attributed proposition from which the speaker dissociates himself/herself, implicitly expressing a critical attitude (Wilson and Sperber 1992). The corpus of the present study consists of a series of ironic statements selected from three opinion articles published between 2010 and 2014 in a quality Ukrainian magazine having both Ukrainian and English versions. The paper explores how the ironic interpretation in each particular instance is consistent with the principle of relevance, and discusses implicatures communicated by the ironic statements. Then the focus shifts to the choices made by the translators in reproducing the irony in the target text. The study undertakes to assess how much the irony along with the implicatures is accessible to the target readers of the Englis...



这篇论文的重点是乌克兰媒体文本中的讽刺性陈述及其英文翻译。支撑文本分析的理论框架是 Sperber 和 Wilson 将口头反讽作为对一个归属命题的回声暗示,说话者与这个命题分离,隐含地表达了一种批判态度(Wilson and Sperber 1992)。本研究的语料库由一系列讽刺性陈述组成,这些陈述选自 2010 年至 2014 年间发表在一本有乌克兰语和英语两种版本的乌克兰优质杂志上的三篇评论文章。本文探讨了每个特定实例中的反讽解释如何与相关性原则保持一致,并讨论了反讽陈述所传达的含义。然后重点转移到译者在再现目标文本中的反讽时所做的选择。该研究致力于评估英语的目标读者可以访问多少讽刺及其含义......