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Exploring the Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Health Care Experiences Among Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) Who Live in Rural Areas of the Midwest
AIDS Education and Prevention ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1521/aeap.2020.32.1.51
Christopher Owens 1 , Randolph D. Hubach 2 , Deana Williams 1 , Jessica Lester 3 , Michael Reece 4 , Brian Dodge 1

Most pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) research samples men who have sex with men (MSM) who live in metropolitan cities. There is a limited understanding of the PrEP experiences among rural MSM. Thirty-four semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore the PrEP health care experiences among 34 rural Midwestern MSM. Of the 34 participants, 23 obtained PrEP from their non-primary care provider (PCP). Three themes were present: (1) PrEP is unavailable in rural areas, (2) PrEP is inaccessible in rural areas due to PCPs being unwilling to prescribe PrEP, and (3) PrEP services are unamicable in rural areas due to stigmatizing attitudes and behaviors of PCPs. It is important to address PrEP care continuum factors in all settings; however, these factors are often exacerbated in rural areas due to social determinants. Without further research and programming, organizational and social determinants may contribute to lower rates of PrEP outcomes in rural areas.



多数暴露前预防(PrEP)研究样本均与居住在大城市中的男性(MSM)发生性关系。农村男男性接触者对PrEP经验的了解有限。进行了34次半结构化访谈,以探讨中西部34个农村MSM中PrEP的医疗保健经验。在34位参与者中,有23位从其非初级保健提供者(PCP)获得PrEP。提出了三个主题:(1)在农村地区没有PrEP,(2)由于PCP不愿意开PrEP而在农村地区无法使用PrEP,并且(3)在农村地区由于污名化的态度和行为而使PrEP服务不友好。 PCP。解决所有情况下的PrEP护理连续性因素很重要;然而,由于社会决定因素,这些因素在农村地区常常加剧。