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Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1111/jvp.12943

In the article by De Lucas et al., the authors have considered the Letter to the Editor from Prof. Mark G. Papich and agreed it was appropriate to re-analyse the Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) calculations for doxycycline using the unbound fraction. From the literature, the doxycycline protein binding in dogs is approximately 90% (Riond & Riviere, 1989), and we used a value of fraction unbound to plasmatic protein (fu) = 0.084 based on protein binding levels of 91.75 ± 0.63% and 91.4% (Gaastra et al., 2013).

The data presented in the correction reflect the corrected AUC values using fu. These new data are presented in Figure 3b (below).

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(b) PTA (%) values of different PK/PD endpoints considering the free drug (fu = 0.084) for fAUC/MIC (at 12, 25 and 40 indices) and Monte Carlo simulation at MIC values of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in the range 0.008–64 mg/L (Maaland et al., 2013), for the proposed dose regimen of doxycycline (10 mg/kg bw q 24 hr, for 28 days) by oral administration in dogs

After Monte Carlo simulation analysis, using a value for fAUC/MIC doxycycline index of 12, a PTA value of 7.7% was calculated for a MIC value of 1 μg/ml. For strains with a MIC = 0.5 μg/ml, the PTA values calculated were 54.7%, 6.21% and 0.56%, for endpoints 12, 25 and 40, respectively. The PTA for bacterial strains with a MIC < 0.250 μg/ml, was 97.31% for an index value of 12; 51.69% for an index value of 25 and 14.48% for an index value of 40. Only the bacterial strains with an MIC = 0.125 μg/ml would reach PTA values of 100%, 96.3% and 72.63%, respectively.

The cumulative fraction of response (CFR) reached < 90% for several pathogens at a fAUC/MIC of 12 (CFR = 58.38%), 25 (CFR = 58.11%) and 40 (CFR = 56.41%), suggesting a lower efficacy with current recommended doxycycline dosing under these circumstances.

After Monte Carlo simulation analysis based on this PK/PD index, the PTA approached 100% only for those bacterial strains with an MIC < 0.063 μg/ml for all end points used in this work.



De Lucas 等人的文章中,作者考虑了 Mark G. Papich 教授给编辑的信,并同意使用未结合部分重新分析多西环素的药代动力学/药效学 (PK-PD) 计算是合适的。根据文献,狗的强力霉素蛋白结合率约为 90%(Riond & Riviere,1989),我们使用未结合血浆蛋白的分数 ( f u) = 0.084,基于蛋白结合水平为 91.75 ± 0.63% 和91.4%(Gaastra 等人,2013 年)。

校正中显示的数据反映了使用fu校正后的 AUC 值。这些新数据如图 3b(下图)所示。

图 3
(b)中PTA(%)考虑到游离药物(不同的PK / PD终点的值˚F U = 0.084),用于˚F AUC / MIC(在12,25和40指数)和蒙特卡罗模拟以MIC值葡萄球菌pseudintermedius在范围 0.008–64 mg/L(Maaland 等人,2013 年),用于狗口服多西环素(10 mg/kg bw,每 24 小时一次,持续 28 天)的建议剂量方案

蒙特卡罗模拟分析后,使用f AUC/MIC 多西环素指数的值为 12,对于 1 μg/ml 的 MIC 值计算出 7.7% 的 PTA 值。对于 MIC = 0.5 μg/ml 的菌株,计算的 PTA 值分别为 54.7%、6.21% 和 0.56%,对于终点 12、25 和 40。MIC < 0.250 μg/ml 的细菌菌株的 PTA 为 97.31%,指数值为 12;指数值为 25 时为 51.69%,指数值为 40 时为 14.48%。只有 MIC = 0.125 μg/ml 的菌株才能分别达到 100%、96.3% 和 72.63% 的 PTA 值。

f AUC/MIC 为 12 (CFR = 58.38%)、25 (CFR = 58.11%) 和 40 (CFR = 56.41%) 时,几种病原体的累积反应分数 (CFR) 达到 < 90% ,表明疗效较低在这些情况下使用当前推荐的强力霉素剂量。

在基于该 PK/PD 指数进行蒙特卡罗模拟分析后,对于本工作中使用的所有终点,仅对于那些 MIC < 0.063 μg/ml 的细菌菌株,PTA 接近 100%。
