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Molecular and biochemical differences underlying the efficacy of lovastatin in preventing the onset of superficial scald in a susceptible and resistant Pyrus communis L. cultivar
Postharvest Biology and Technology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2020.111435
Nicola Busatto , Jordi Giné-Bordonaba , Christian Larrigaudière , Violeta Lindo-Garcia , Brian Farneti , Franco Biasioli , Urska Vrhovsek , Fabrizio Costa

The molecular and biochemical events underlying the onset of superficial scald in two pear cultivars with different susceptibility (‘Blanquilla’ and ‘Conference’) was investigated in fruit untreated and treated with lovastatin, 1-MCP or ethylene. ‘Conference’ pears were characterized by higher content of flavonols and linolenic acid (18:3), two metabolites related to chilling injury resistance. In this cultivar, the expression level of three genes belonging to the ascorbate glutathione pathway (APX, DHAR and MDHAR) were constitutively over-expressed, highlighting the role that endogenous antioxidant potential played in scald control. In the scald-susceptible cultivar (‘Blanquilla’) the lovastatin treatment, in contrast to 1-MCP, effectively prevented superficial scald development and α-farnesene production without affecting fruit ripening. Moreover, lovastatin stimulated an increased production of ethanol and oleic + cis vaccenic acid (18:1), both compounds being also involved in cold stress tolerance. In both cultivars, and in contrast to 1-MCP, lovastatin did not impair the expression level of the genes devoted to ethylene production (ACO, ACS) and perception (ERS1, ERS2). As a consequence, the expression levels of the genes involved in texture modifications (PG1) and volatile emission (LOX, HPL, ADH and AAT) were maintained in lovastatin-treated samples allowing the fruit to reach an adequate final quality.

The results from this study are discussed to highlight the complex regulatory network underlying superficial scald development in different pear cultivars.


洛伐他汀预防易感和抗病性梨(Pyrus communis L. cultivar)浅表烫伤发病的分子和生物化学差异

在未经处理和用洛伐他汀,1-MCP或乙烯处理的水果中,研究了两个易感性不同的梨品种(“ Blanquilla”和“ Conference”)表皮烫伤发生的分子和生化事件。“会议”梨的特征在于黄酮醇和亚麻酸(18:3)的含量较高,这是两种与耐寒害相关的代谢产物。在该品种中,属于抗坏血酸谷胱甘肽途径的三个基因(APXDHARMDHAR)的表达水平)过度表达,强调内源性抗氧化潜力在烫伤控制中发挥了作用。与1-MCP相比,在易受烫伤的栽培品种('Blanquilla')中,洛伐他汀的治疗有效地防止了表面烫伤的发展和α-法呢烯的产生,而不会影响果实的成熟。此外,洛伐他汀刺激乙醇和油酸+顺式痘苗酸(18:1)的产量增加,这两种化合物也都参与了耐冷胁迫。在两个品种中,与1-MCP相比,洛伐他汀均不会损害乙烯生产(ACOACS)和感知(ERS1ERS2)基因的表达水平。)。结果,在洛伐他汀处理的样品中维持了涉及质地修饰(PG1)和挥发性物质释放(LOXHPLADHAAT)的基因的表达水平,从而使果实达到了适当的最终品质。

