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Origin, early evolution and palaeoecology of Gymnopleura (Crustacea, Decapoda): Basal palaeocorystoid crabs from the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous of central Europe
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110176
Barry W.M. van Bakel , René H.B. Fraaije , John W.M. Jagt , Petr Skupien

Recent fieldwork has yielded new decapod crustacean material from Upper Jurassic–lowest Cretaceous bioclastic limestones at Kotouč quarry near Štramberk (Moravia, northeastern Czech Republic). Two specimens in this lot can be ascribed to the superfamily Palaeocorystoidea and represent the oldest gymnopleuran crabs known to date. A new genus and species, Moravacarcinus stramberkensis, are here erected and assigned to a new subfamily, Moravacarcininae, to accommodate this basal necrocarcinid. Our re-examination of Late Jurassic primitive crabs from southern Germany has resulted in the discovery of another early member of this group, here referred to a new genus, Juranecrocarcinus, as J. angulosum (Wehner 1988). These new finds demonstrate that palaeocorystoids originated within shallow-water, reefal settings in the Upper Jurassic reef belt across central and southern Europe. We hypothesise that members of basal necrocarcinid subfamilies (Paranecrocarcininae and Moravacarcininae subfam. nov.), and thus the Gymnopleura, were derived from a dynomeniform ancestor which adapted to and became modified for a burying mode of life. Possible candidates are, for instance, the goniodromitid genus Cycloprosopon Lőrenthey, in Lőrenthey and Beurlen 1929 and the longodromitid genera Longodromites Patrulius 1959 and Planoprosopon Schweitzer, Feldmann and Lazăr, 2007. The evolutionary pathways and palaeogeographical history of Mesozoic gymnopleurans were markedly influenced by the planktonic revolution which considerably enriched deeper-marine clastic sediments with nutrients from the Late Jurassic onwards.



最近的实地调查工作在Štramberk(捷克东北部的摩拉维亚)附近的Kotouč采石场从上侏罗世-最低的白垩纪生物碎屑灰岩中产生了新的十足纲甲壳动物材料。该批次中的两个标本可以归因于超家族古龟(Paaleocorystoidea),它们代表了迄今为止已知的最古老的裸藻蟹。在这里竖立了一个新属和新种,Moravacarcinus stramberkensis,并将其分配给一个新的亚科,Moravacarcininae,以适应该基础坏死性类癌。我们对来自德国南部的侏罗纪晚期原始蟹进行了重新检查,结果发现了该组的另一个早期成员,这里称为新属Juranecrocarcinus,称为J. angulosum(Wehner 1988)。这些新发现表明古古类类固醇起源于中欧和南欧上侏罗统珊瑚礁带的浅水珊瑚礁环境。我们假设基底坏死类癌亚科的成员(Paranecrocarcininae和Moravacarcininae亚家族。nov。),因此是裸子目,起源于dyn​​omeniform祖先,该祖先适应并适应了埋葬的生活方式。可能的候选人,例如,goniodromitid属Cycloprosopon Lőrenthey,在Lőrenthey和Beurlen 1929年和longodromitid属Longodromites Patrulius 1959年和Planoprosopon Schweitzer,Feldmann和Lazăr,2007年。中生代裸子目动物的演化途径和古地理历史受到浮游生物革命的显着影响,浮游生物革命使深海碎屑沉积物从侏罗纪晚期开始大量营养。
