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The 1902 Plinian eruption of Santa María volcano, Guatemala: A new assessment of magnitude and impact using historical sources
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107167
Hannah C. Berry , Katharine V. Cashman , Caroline A. Williams

Large-magnitude volcanic eruptions are rare; for this reason, those that have occurred in recent history provide important case studies of syn- and post-eruptive impacts. One under-studied example is the 1902 Plinian eruption of Santa María volcano, Guatemala. Sources from the time tell us that volcanic ash from the eruption travelled thousands of kilometres, and that associated hazards may have caused several thousand fatalities. Published estimates of erupted volume range from 4.3–27 km3; the maximum estimates would make the fall deposit the largest of the 20th century. To improve constraints on the deposit extent and thickness, as well as on the immediate impacts of the eruption on local populations, we add to published accounts by compiling contemporary records reported in newspaper articles and telegrams quoted therein. We use these records to extend existing isopach maps and to calculate a fall deposit volume of at least 11.4 km3; this is larger than fall deposits from Pinatubo (Philippines, 1991) and Quizapu (Chile, 1932), but smaller than the fall deposit produced by the 1912 eruption of Katmai (Alaska, USA). We also provide evidence that supports both high fatality estimates and intentional government suppression of the true impact of the eruption.



大火山喷发是罕见的。由于这个原因,最近发生的那些事件提供了重要的案例研究,涉及同性和爆发后的影响。一个未被充分研究的例子是1902年危地马拉圣玛丽亚火山的普利尼亚火山喷发。当时的消息来源告诉我们,火山喷发产生的火山灰传播了数千公里,而相关的危害可能已经造成了数千人死亡。公布的火山爆发量估计范围为4.3–27 km 3; 最大的估算值将使秋天的沉积物成为20世纪最大的沉积物。为了改善对沉积范围和厚度以及喷发对当地居民的直接影响的限制,我们通过汇编报纸文章和其中引用的电报中记录的当代记录来增加已发表的帐目。我们使用这些记录来扩展现有的等值线图并计算至少11.4 km 3的秋季沉积量; 它比Pinatubo(菲律宾,1991)和Quizapu(智利,1932)的秋季沉积物大,但小于1912年卡特迈火山喷发(美国阿拉斯加)产生的秋季沉积物。我们还提供了支持高死亡率估计和政府有意镇压喷发真正影响的证据。
