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Bubble formation in a step-emulsification microdevice: hydrodynamic effects in the cavity
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2020.12.013
Zhiwei Zhang , Zhongdong Wang , Fengrui Bao , Mengyu Fan , Shaokun Jiang , Chunying Zhu , Youguang Ma , Taotao Fu

This study focuses on the generation of bubbles in a step-emulsification microdevice via a two-angle photography method. It's found that the bubble generation mechanism is controlled by the interfacial tension, below a critical capillary number; while controlled by viscous force, inertial force and the disturbance induced by the bubble swarm, above the critical capillary number. From the two-angle photography method, a model is established for predicting the bubble size, by taking into account of the dynamic contact angle between gas-liquid interface and wall, and the hydrodynamic feedback of the cavity on bubble formation via the quantification of resistance by the volume fraction of gas in the cavity.



