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Connectivity of orientations of 3-edge-connected graphs
European Journal of Combinatorics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103292
Florian Hörsch , Zoltán Szigeti

We attempt to generalize a theorem of Nash-Williams stating that a graph has a k-arc-connected orientation if and only if it is 2k-edge-connected. In a strongly connected digraph we call an arc deletable if its deletion leaves a strongly connected digraph. Given a 3-edge-connected graph G, we define its Frank number f(G) to be the minimum number k such that there exist k orientations of G with the property that every edge becomes a deletable arc in at least one of these orientations. We are interested in finding a good upper bound for the Frank number. We prove that f(G)7 for every 3-edge-connected graph. On the other hand, we show that a Frank number of 3 is attained by the Petersen graph. Further, we prove better upper bounds for more restricted classes of graphs and establish a connection to the Berge–Fulkerson conjecture. We also show that deciding whether all edges of a given subset can become deletable in one orientation is NP-complete.



我们尝试推广Nash-Williams定理,指出一个图具有一个 ķ-arc-connected方向,当且仅当它是 2ķ-边缘连接。在强连通有向图我们所说的弧删除的,如果将其删除叶强连通有向图。给定一个三边连接图G,我们定义其弗兰克数 FG 成为最小数量 ķ 这样就存在 ķ 的方向 G具有以下特性:每个边缘至少在这些方向之一上成为可删除的弧。我们有兴趣为弗兰克数找到一个好的上限。我们证明FG7对于每个3边连接图。另一方面,我们证明彼得森图获得的弗兰克数为3。此外,我们证明了图的更严格限制的更好上限,并建立了与Berge-Fulkerson猜想的联系。我们还表明,确定给定子集的所有边缘是否可以在一个方向上删除是NP完全的。
