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Pedagogies of Non-self as Practices of Freedom
Studies in Philosophy and Education ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11217-020-09741-w
Robert Hattam

This paper assumes that educators are now involved in a struggle for their souls and for the souls of their students. The idea of the soul in this case is not the religious one, but the soul invoked by Foucault (1977) to name that aspect of self, (subjectivity, psyche) that ‘exists, or is produced … within the body … or born … out of methods of punishment, supervision and constraint’ (p. 29). Neoliberalising social policy not only aims to transform structures and enact new technologies of control but also involves the transformation of values and cultures, and hence the formation of new subjectivities. With that in mind this paper argues for an education understood as experiments with alternative modalities of self-formation (spirituality) that are responsive to the key challenges of our times. The paper experiments with as aphoristic style and hence is structured through six fragments that provide various takes on this problematic, including: an autobiographical moment; a brief rendering of Foucault’s genealogy of the relationship between truth and the subject; Hadot’s genealogy of philosophy; various definitions of spirituality; and an account of Buddhist epistemology that distinguishes knowing and realization. The paper concludes by arguing for a Buddhist inspired pedagogy that is defined in terms of the relationships between teacher, student and realization. From such a perspective, it is not identity work that is the ethico-political project of our times, but of learning how to quite literally get free of our self (ego).



本文假设教育工作者现在正在为他们的灵魂和学生的灵魂而斗争。在这种情况下,灵魂的概念不是宗教的,而是福柯 (1977) 所援引的灵魂来命名自我的那个方面,(主观性,心理)“存在或产生……在身体……或出生……出于惩罚、监督和约束的方法”(第 29 页)。新自由主义社会政策不仅旨在改造结构和制定新的控制技术,还涉及价值观和文化的转变,从而形成新的主体性。考虑到这一点,本文主张将教育理解为对我们时代的关键挑战做出反应的替代性自我形成模式(灵性)的实验。这篇论文以格言风格进行实验,因此由六个片段构成,这些片段提供了对这个问题的各种看法,包括:自传性时刻;福柯关于真理与主体关系的谱系简述;哈多的哲学谱系;灵性的各种定义;以及区分认识和实现的佛教认识论。这篇论文的结论是主张一种受佛教启发的教学法,该教学法是根据教师、学生和证悟之间的关系来定义的。从这样的角度来看,我们这个时代的伦理政治项目不是身份工作,而是学习如何真正地摆脱我们的自我(自我)。一个自传式的时刻;福柯关于真理与主体关系的谱系简述;哈多的哲学谱系;灵性的各种定义;以及区分认识和实现的佛教认识论。这篇论文的结论是主张一种受佛教启发的教学法,该教学法是根据教师、学生和证悟之间的关系来定义的。从这样的角度来看,我们这个时代的伦理政治项目不是身份工作,而是学习如何真正地摆脱我们的自我(自我)。一个自传式的时刻;福柯关于真理与主体关系的谱系简述;哈多的哲学谱系;灵性的各种定义;以及区分认识和实现的佛教认识论。这篇论文的结论是主张一种受佛教启发的教学法,该教学法是根据教师、学生和证悟之间的关系来定义的。从这样的角度来看,我们这个时代的伦理政治项目不是身份工作,而是学习如何真正地摆脱我们的自我(自我)。这篇论文的结论是主张一种受佛教启发的教学法,该教学法是根据教师、学生和证悟之间的关系来定义的。从这样的角度来看,我们这个时代的伦理政治项目不是身份工作,而是学习如何真正地摆脱我们的自我(自我)。这篇论文的结论是主张一种受佛教启发的教学法,该教学法是根据教师、学生和证悟之间的关系来定义的。从这样的角度来看,我们这个时代的伦理政治项目不是身份工作,而是学习如何真正地摆脱我们的自我(自我)。