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Confirmatory Factor and Smallest Space Analyses on the Belief in a Just World Scale
Social Justice Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s11211-020-00360-x
Warren G. Harding , V. K. Kumar , Jasmin Tahmaseb McConatha

A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used on the Belief in a Just World Scale (BJW; Lucas, Zhdanova & Alexander in J Individ Diff 32:14–25, 2011) to test the replicability of its four-scale structure. Additionally, Guttman’s Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) was used to test the presence of two facets with each consisting of two elements: Type of Justice (Distributive and Procedural) and Locus of Attributions (Justice Beliefs for Self and Justice Beliefs for Others) in the BJW scale. Participants (n = 301) were university students and community members (recruited through local church and social media). The CFA revealed marginally acceptable support for the four-factor structure of the BJW. As hypothesized, the SSA provided evidence for the presence of two facets with two elements each as stated above. Consistent with earlier findings of Lucas et al. (J Individ Diff 32:14–25, 2011) and Lucas et al. (Political Psychol 35:775–793, 2014), the BJW subscales had positive significant correlations with each other and evidenced strong internal consistency reliabilities.



在公正世界量表上的信念上使用了验证性因子分析(CFA)(BJW; Lucas,Zhdanova和Alexander在J Individ Diff 32:14-25,2011)中测试了其四量表结构的可复制性。此外,还使用了古特曼的最小空间分析(SSA)来测试两个方面的存在,每个方面都包含两个要素:正义的类型(分配性和程序性)和归因所在地点(自我的正义信念和对他人的正义信念)。 BJW规模。参加人数 = 301)是大学生和社区成员(通过当地教堂和社交媒体招募)。CFA透露了对BJW四要素结构的勉强可以接受的支持。如所假设的,SSA提供了两个面的存在的证据,每个面都有两个元素,如上所述。与卢卡斯等人的早期发现一致。(J Individ Diff 32:14-25,2011)和Lucas等人。(Political Psychol 35:775–793,2014),BJW分量表彼此之间具有正显着的正相关关系,并被证明具有很强的内部一致性可靠性。
