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Climate Change Legislations and Environmental Degradation
Environmental and Resource Economics ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10640-020-00520-2
Nicolae Stef , Sami Ben Jabeur

This study investigates how the enactment of regulations and laws dealing with climate change influences CO2 emissions. Using a sample of 83 countries and covering the period from 2003 to 2014, our dynamic panel analysis yields two major results. First, the enactment of new climate change regulations (i.e., amendments, decrees, orders) associated with a strong rule of law significantly diminishes CO2 emissions. This result validates the hypothesis of Gunningham (J Environ Law 23:169–201, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1093/jel/eqr006), which argues that the efficiency of environmental legislation must be supported by regulatory institutions that can efficiently enforce the law. Second, the enactment of new climate change laws seems to not impact emissions levels independently of institutional quality. It may be possible that private agents anticipate the entry into force of the new law(s) and must consequently adapt to the requirements of such laws, leading to a nonsignificant impact on CO2 emissions.



这项研究调查了有关气候变化的法规和法规的制定如何影响CO 2排放。我们使用了83个国家的样本,涵盖了2003年至2014年,我们的动态面板分析得出了两个主要结果。首先,与强有力的法治相关的新气候变化法规(即修正案,法令,命令)的颁布大大减少了CO 2排放。该结果证实了Gunningham的假说(《环境法律杂志》(J Environ Law)23:169-201,2011。https://doi.org/10.1093/jel/eqr006),该假说认为环境立法的效率必须得到监管机构的支持。有效地执行法律。其次,新的气候变化法律的颁布似乎不会独立于机构质量而影响排放水平。私人代理人可能会预料到新法律的生效,因此必须适应这些法律的要求,从而对CO 2排放产生不重大影响。
