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Technologies Without Borders? The Digitization of Society in a Postcolonial World
Science, Technology and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1177/0971721820912894
Mathieu Quet 1 , Marine Al Dahdah 2

Since the Inception of the internet, social scientists have engaged in research related to the online communities, cyberspace and cyber-identities. Research in this area has attracted many different perspectives dispersed across multiple interests, whether it is called the ‘digital humanities’, ‘new media studies’, ‘cyberculture studies’. Although ‘cyber’ was the dominant term used in the 1990s and early 2000s, it has been largely replaced by the term ‘digital’ now that the internet has become much more pervasive, moving from desktops to devices that can be worn on the body and transported anywhere, allowing the user to be constantly connected to the internet. ‘Digital studies’ encapsulates the concerns previously addressed by social scientists in the 1990s and extends into this new era of mobile digital usage. It is a neat descriptive term that also encompasses other disciplines and their use of the term ‘digital’. ‘Digital studies’ focus on the way emails, mailing lists, digital forums, blogs, social networks or mobile applications change the way people work and live (Rainie & Wellman, 2012). Whether called the network society (Castells, 2009) or the connected revolution (Brown et al., 2002), the fusion of internet and multiple digital devices further expands the influence of these objects in our daily lives. The particular uses of those new devices have been documented so far by economists, historians, sociologists and a growing number of STS scholars are conducting studies about innovators and users of arising online services, relying primarily on ethnography but also extensively on the new data mining and so-called ‘virtual ethnography’ approaches (Beuscart et al., 2016).


