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Implications for HRD Practice and Impact in the COVID-19 Era
Human Resource Development Review ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1177/1534484320977426
Julie Davies

In her first editorial as HRDR’s Editor-in-Chief, Yonjoo Cho encouraged HRD scholars to submit “thoughtful, meaningful, critical, and high quality theoretical, conceptual, and review articles that support theory building and that provide implications for HRD research and practice for turbulent times” (Cho, 2020, p. 337). As editors, we welcome non-empirical manuscripts that stimulate further inquiry and changes in research or practice in HRD and related disciplines. The purpose of this editorial is to reflect on what constitutes the relatively short “Implications for Practice” (IFP) section in HRDR. Especially in COVID times—and hopefully beyond—how do we craft claims about the relevance of theorizing in the HRD field for “changes in practice?”



在她作为HRDR的总编辑的第一篇社论中,Yonjoo Cho鼓励HRD学者提交“有思想的,有意义的,批判的和高质量的理论,概念和评论文章,这些文章支持理论的建立并对HRD的研究和开发提供启示。应对动荡的时代”(Cho,2020年,第337页)。作为编辑,我们欢迎非经验性手稿,这些手稿会刺激人们对人力资源开发及相关学科的研究或实践进行进一步的询问和变化。这篇社论的目的是反思什么构成了HRDR中相对较短的“对实践的影响”(IFP)部分。尤其是在COVID时代,甚至在更广阔的时代,我们如何提出有关HRD领域理论与“实践中的变化”相关性的主张?