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Editorial: Building a Human Relations Community
Human Relations ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-30 , DOI: 10.1177/0018726720970108
Mark Learmonth

It is something of an understatement to say that 2020 has been a difficult year for social relations at work. Across the world, 2020 will surely live long in everyone’s memories, albeit for all the wrong reasons. Given the enormity of the personal, economic and social crises still before us all, it might almost seem trivial to say it, but one positive that this challenging year has made increasingly apparent is that Human Relations is supported by a large community of scholars to whom the articles we publish matter – now perhaps more than ever before. Downloads, as well as new submissions to the journal in 2020 are set to be very significantly up on the 2019 figures; helped no doubt by initiatives such as our virtual special issues on flexible work and virtual working – articles previously published but drawn together and made open access because of their significance for the pandemic (Human Relations, 2020a).



毫不夸张地说,对于工作中的社会关系而言,2020年是艰难的一年。纵观所有错误原因,2020年肯定会在每个人的记忆中长寿。鉴于我们面前仍然存在着巨大的个人,经济和社会危机,说起来似乎微不足道,但是这一具有挑战性的一年变得越来越明显的一个积极因素是人际关系有大量的学者为我们提供支持,我们发表的文章对此很重要-现在也许比以往任何时候都多。2020年的下载量和新投稿量将大大高于2019年的水平; 毫无疑问,它通过诸如灵活工作和虚拟工作的虚拟特别问题之类的举措得到了帮助,这些问题以前曾发表过,但由于对大流行病具有重要意义而被汇总在一起并可以公开获取(人类关系,2020a)。