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Exceptional Children ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0014402920968217
John Wills Lloyd , William J. Therrien

As the world continues to face significant challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we must be even more committed to advocating for and providing effective services to individuals with disabilities and their families. In Issue 1 of Volume 87 of Exceptional Children, we present six articles, geared toward effectively serving individuals with disabilities from infancy to adulthood. We hope these articles will support you in your advocacy and intervention efforts. Using a national-level data set, Woods explored longitudinal patterns of special education receipt for children in kindergarten through eighth grade. Overall, she classified students into four trajectories of special education service receipt—never, persistent, delayed, and discontinued. She then explored a variety of variables to ascertain similarities and differences in students assigned to different trajectories. She reported many intriguing findings. For example, she found that students who exited special education performed similarly in mathematic to students who never received special education services. Early childhood education is essential for all children with disabilities but especially for those from low-income families (i.e., doubly vulnerable). Via secondary data analyses, Schochet and colleagues examined centerbased early childhood programming to other instructional models. They found that centerbased early childhood education was more beneficial for doubly vulnerable children than parental care for language and literacy development and resulted in better prosocial outcomes compared to children who receive home-based services. Young women with disabilities face challenges transitioning from school to adulthood. Lindstrom and colleagues conducted a cluster randomized control trial of the Path 2 the Future (P2F) career development curriculum that is geared to the needs of young women with disabilities. Overall, the students who received the P2F curriculum outperformed students in the control condition on career development skills. Buzhardt and colleagues conducted a randomized control trial of Making Online Decisions (MOD). MOD is a web application to help educators make data-driven decisions as they serve families with infants and toddlers with or at risk for a language delay in early start home-visiting programs. Children served by educators who used MOD had significantly more language growth compared to children whose home-visitors did not utilize MOD. Gesel and Lemons conducted a replication study of the accuracy and timeliness of various schedules of curriculum based measurement (CBM) progress monitoring in reading for elementary students with special needs. Similar to the original study, Gesel and Lemons reported that intermittent progress monitoring schedules had greater accuracy and better timeliness of instructional decision making than weekly progress monitoring schedules. This article is the first one in EC to earn a preregistration badge. We encourage future EC authors to follow their example and preregister their studies. Yuan and Chen conducted a multiple baseline design with randomization of intervention order and predetermined start points to ascertain if an interdependent group contingency improved reciprocal conversation of children with ASD working in dyads. Overall, the study’s results showed that implementation of the interdependent group contingency increased independent reciprocal conversational responses and sustained conversational exchanges. We hope these articles provide you with valuable insights into how to serve individuals with disabilities and their families.



由于 Covid-19 大流行,世界继续面临重大挑战,我们必须更加致力于为残疾人及其家人倡导和提供有效的服务。在 Exceptional Children 第 87 卷的第 1 期中,我们展示了六篇文章,旨在有效地为从婴儿期到成年期的残疾人士提供服务。我们希望这些文章能够支持您的宣传和干预工作。伍兹使用国家级数据集探索了从幼儿园到八年级的儿童接受特殊教育的纵向模式。总的来说,她将学生分为四种接受特殊教育服务的轨迹——从不、持续、延迟和停止。然后,她探索了各种变量,以确定被分配到不同轨迹的学生的异同。她报告了许多有趣的发现。例如,她发现退出特殊教育的学生与从未接受过特殊教育服务的学生在数学上的表现相似。幼儿教育对于所有残疾儿童来说都是必不可少的,尤其是对于低收入家庭(即双重弱势群体)的儿童。通过二手数据分析,Schochet 及其同事将基于中心的幼儿编程与其他教学模式进行了对比。他们发现,与接受家庭服务的儿童相比,以中心为基础的幼儿教育比父母对语言和识字发展的照顾更有益于双重脆弱儿童,并导致更好的亲社会结果。残疾年轻女性面临着从学校过渡到成年的挑战。Lindstrom 及其同事对 Path 2 the Future (P2F) 职业发展课程进行了集群随机对照试验,该课程适合残疾年轻女性的需求。总体而言,接受P2F课程的学生在职业发展技能的控制条件下表现优于学生。Buzhardt 及其同事进行了一项关于制定在线决策 (MOD) 的随机对照试验。MOD 是一个网络应用程序,可帮助教育工作者做出数据驱动的决策,因为他们在早期开始家访计划中为有或有语言延迟风险的婴幼儿家庭提供服务。与家庭访问者未使用 MOD 的儿童相比,使用 MOD 的教育工作者所服务的儿童的语言增长明显更快。Gesel 和 Lemons 对各种基于课程的测量 (CBM) 进度监控计划的准确性和及时性进行了重复研究,以针对有特殊需求的小学生进行阅读。与最初的研究类似,Gesel 和 Lemons 报告说,间歇性进度监控计划比每周进度监控计划具有更高的准确性和更好的教学决策及时性。这篇文章是 EC 中第一个获得预注册徽章的文章。我们鼓励未来的 EC 作者效仿他们的榜样并预先注册他们的研究。Yuan 和 Chen 进行了多基线设计,随机化干预顺序和预先确定的起点,以确定相互依存的小组应急是否改善了在二人组中工作的 ASD 儿童的相互对话。总体而言,该研究的结果表明,相互依赖的群体应急的实施增加了独立的相互对话反应和持续的对话交流。我们希望这些文章为您提供有关如何为残障人士及其家人服务的宝贵见解。Yuan 和 Chen 进行了多基线设计,随机化干预顺序和预先确定的起点,以确定相互依存的小组应急是否改善了在二人组中工作的 ASD 儿童的相互对话。总体而言,该研究的结果表明,相互依赖的群体应急的实施增加了独立的相互对话反应和持续的对话交流。我们希望这些文章为您提供有关如何为残障人士及其家人服务的宝贵见解。Yuan 和 Chen 进行了多基线设计,随机化干预顺序和预先确定的起点,以确定相互依存的小组应急是否改善了在二人组中工作的 ASD 儿童的相互对话。总体而言,该研究的结果表明,相互依赖的群体应急的实施增加了独立的相互对话反应和持续的对话交流。我们希望这些文章为您提供有关如何为残障人士及其家人服务的宝贵见解。研究结果表明,实施相互依存的群体偶然性增加了独立的相互对话反应和持续的对话交流。我们希望这些文章为您提供有关如何为残障人士及其家人服务的宝贵见解。研究结果表明,实施相互依存的群体偶然性增加了独立的相互对话反应和持续的对话交流。我们希望这些文章为您提供有关如何为残障人士及其家人服务的宝贵见解。