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Applying the theory of motivated information management to family health history
Personal Relationships ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.1111/pere.12340
Kai Kuang 1 , Patricia E. Gettings 2

This study applied the theory of motivated information management (TMIM) to examine how married couples manage uncertainty about partners' family health history. Spouses reported (N = 626) on TMIM variables and information seeking/provision at Time 1 and on actual information seeking/provision behavior 3 weeks later. Findings largely supported paths proposed in the TMIM, but the model did not predict actual information management behaviors. As the first TMIM study to analyze dyadic, two‐wave data, results underscore the interdependent nature of information management processes in that seeker's efficacy assessments were associated with provider's direct information provision, and these effects were mediated by provider's perceptions of seeker efficacy assessments. Information seeker's perceptions did not play as significant a role in the process.



这项研究应用了动机信息管理(TMIM)理论来检查已婚夫妇如何处理有关伴侣家庭健康史的不确定性。配偶报告(N= 626)有关时间1的TMIM变量和信息查找/提供以及3周后的实际信息查找/提供行为。结果在很大程度上支持了TMIM中提出的路径,但是该模型并未预测实际的信息管理行为。作为第一项分析二元,两波数据的TMIM研究,结果强调了信息管理过程的相互依存性,因为寻求者的效能评估与提供者的直接信息提供相关联,并且这些影响是由提供者对寻求者效能评估的理解所介导的。信息搜索者的看法在此过程中没有发挥重要作用。