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Youth in Northern Ireland: Linking Violence Exposure, Emotional Insecurity, and the Political Macrosystem
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.1111/mono.12423
Dana Townsend 1 , Laura K Taylor 2 , Christine E Merrilees 3 , Andrea Furey 4 , Marcie C Goeke-Morey 5 , Peter Shirlow 6 , E Mark Cummings 1

Growing up in the aftermath of armed conflict puts youth at a higher risk for psychopathology—particularly in societies like Northern Ireland which continue to be characterized by intergroup tension and cyclical violence. This risk may be heightened during adolescence, when youth are beginning to explore their identities and are becoming more aware of intergroup dynamics in both their immediate communities and the broader society. It is also during this stage when youth increasingly witness or engage in antisocial behavior and sectarian activities. A series of studies in Belfast conducted by Cummings et al. (2014, Child Dev Perspect, 12(1), 16–38; 2019, J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol, 48(2), 296–305) showed that adolescents’ exposure to sectarian violence resulted in heightened emotional insecurity about the community and subsequent adjustment problems. Though the impact of direct exposure to violence is well documented, few studies have accounted for the influence of sectarianism that occurs outside of one's immediate environment. These influences may include the general climate surrounding events that are not experienced firsthand but are nonetheless salient, such as the overarching levels of tension between groups or societal discourse that is threatening to one's identity. These higher‐level influences, often referred to collectively as the macrosystem, are a necessary component to consider for adequately assessing one's socio‐developmental environment. Yet, measurement at this level of the social ecology has proven elusive in past work. The current study advances research in this area by using newspaper coding as a method of measuring the political macrosystem in Northern Ireland and assessing whether a tense or threatening climate serves as an added risk factor for youth living in Belfast.



在武装冲突后果中成长使青年面临更高的精神病理学风险——尤其是在像北爱尔兰这样的社会继续以群体间紧张和周期性暴力为特征。这种风险在青春期可能会加剧,那时青年开始探索自己的身份,并越来越意识到他们的直接社区和更广泛的社会中的群体间动态。也正是在这个阶段,青年越来越多地目睹或参与反社会行为和宗派活动。Cummings 等人在贝尔法斯特进行的一系列研究。(2014, Child Dev Perspect , 12(1), 16–38; 2019, J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol, 48(2), 296–305) 表明,青少年接触宗派暴力导致对社区的情绪不安全感和随后的适应问题加剧。尽管直接接触暴力的影响有据可查,但很少有研究说明发生在个人直接环境之外的宗派主义的影响。这些影响可能包括围绕事件的一般气候,这些事件没有亲身经历过但仍然很突出,例如群体之间的总体紧张程度或威胁到一个人身份的社会话语。这些更高层次的影响,通常统称为宏观系统,是充分评估一个人的社会发展环境的必要组成部分。然而,在过去的工作中,这种社会生态水平的测量被证明是难以捉摸的。目前的研究通过使用报纸编码作为衡量北爱尔兰政治宏观系统的一种方法,并评估紧张或威胁性的气候是否是生活在贝尔法斯特的年轻人的额外风险因素,从而推进了该领域的研究。