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An Interaction Model of Environmental and Psychological Factors Influencing Refugee Mental Health
Journal of Traumatic Stress ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-12 , DOI: 10.1002/jts.22636
Shraddha Kashyap 1 , David Keegan 2 , Belinda J Liddell 1 , Ted Thomson 2 , Angela Nickerson 1

In this paper, we draw on empirical research and theoretical models of refugee and posttrauma mental health to propose the “Psychological Interaction with Environment (PIE) Matrix Model” of refugee mental health. This model focuses on the mental health of adult refugees and proposes that psychological factors and the external environment interact to influence mental health outcomes and functioning for individuals with refugee backgrounds. Environmental factors include adversity faced before, during, and after the migration journey, including adversity faced in a resettlement or postdisplacement environment. Psychological factors refer to psychological (i.e., cognitive and emotional) mechanisms that individuals may use to cope with adversity. We posit that individuals from refugee backgrounds are likely to show individual differences in psychological processes that may protect against or underpin the development and maintenance of psychopathology following exposure to trauma and displacement. The PIE Matrix Model proposes a framework to guide intervention by identifying key pathways by which psychological and environmental factors impact one another. We suggest that psychological interventions can be targeted according to the kind and level of support different individuals may require, based on individualized and context‐driven assessments of the interaction between environmental and psychological factors at any given point in time. This model draws on existing models of refugee adaptation and highlights the need for longitudinal and experimental research to explain the interaction between these factors and their causal impact on refugee mental health.



在本文中,我们借鉴难民和创伤后心理健康的实证研究和理论模型,提出了难民心理健康的“心理与环境(PIE)矩阵模型”。该模型侧重于成年难民的心理健康,并提出心理因素和外部环境相互作用以影响具有难民背景的个人的心理健康结果和功能。环境因素包括迁移前、迁移中和迁移后面临的逆境,包括在重新安置或迁移后环境中面临的逆境。心理因素是指个人可能用来应对逆境的心理(即认知和情感)机制。我们假设来自难民背景的个人可能会在心理过程中表现出个体差异,这些差异可能会防止或支持暴露于创伤和流离失所后心理病理的发展和维持。PIE 矩阵模型提出了一个框架,通过识别心理和环境因素相互影响的关键途径来指导干预。我们建议,可以根据不同个人可能需要的支持类型和水平,根据在任何给定时间点对环境和心理因素之间的相互作用进行个性化和情境驱动的评估,有针对性地进行心理干预。