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Identification with management and the organisation as key mechanisms in explaining employee reactions to talent status
Human Resource Management Journal ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12335
Wajda Wikhamn 1 , Kajsa Asplund 2 , Nicky Dries 1, 3

This study examines how identification with management and the organization explains the relationship between talent status, organizational citizenship behavior towards the organization (OCB-O) and the supervisor (OCB-S), and turnover intention. Using archival and survey data (N = 597), we tested two competing models: a parallel and a serial mediation. Results supported serial mediation of management identification through organizational identification; management identification was the most predictive mediator overall. We also found different exchange dynamics depending on the focus of the identification (management or organization) and their corresponding outcomes (OCB-S and OCB-O); OCB-S was most strongly related to management identification. We contribute to the literature by integrating concepts and assumptions from social identity and social exchange theory, and advancing the understanding about employee reciprocation of symbolic resources such as talent status. Practical implications, in particular about encouraging ‘pre-identification’ with management in order to ensure talents' continued extra-role behavior and retention, are spelled out.



本研究考察了与管理层和组织的认同如何解释人才地位、组织公民行为对组织 (OCB-O) 和主管 (OCB-S) 以及离职意向之间的关系。使用档案和调查数据 ( N = 597),我们测试了两个竞争模型:并行和串行调解。结果支持通过组织识别对管理识别进行连续调解;总体而言,管理层认同是最具预测性的中介因素。我们还发现了不同的交流动态,这取决于识别的重点(管理或组织)及其相应的结果(OCB-S 和 OCB-O);OCB-S 与管理层认同最密切相关。我们通过整合社会认同和社会交换理论中的概念和假设,促进对员工对人才状态等符号资源互惠的理解,为文献做出贡献。实际意义,特别是鼓励与管理层“预先认同”以确保人才“