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Plaidoyer for a Social Europe
European Law Journal  ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-04 , DOI: 10.1111/eulj.12365
Fernando Vasquez

‘It is with great sadness that his many friends learned of the passing of Fernando Vasquez, on 16 July 2020, in Porto. I met Fernando Vasquez some thirty years ago, at a time when, together with Jean‐Jacques Paris, another friend who recently passed away, and under the direction of Odile Quintin in DG V of the European Commission, he was working on building a Social Europe. That was before the European Union failed as a post‐liberal orthodoxy, driving along all Member States, in a race to the lowest social and fiscal bidder. As Frédéric Turlan reminds us, in a tribute published in the recent issue of Liaisons sociales Europe, n. 502, 23 July‐2 September 2020, Fernando Vasquez witnessed with lucidity this backsliding which has heavily contributed to the current disconnection between citizens and the European project, but it did not prevent him from relentlessly striving for more justice in the European Union. These efforts, his diagnosis, without complacency, of the current state of the Union and his most recent suggestions for ensuring both social and economic convergence under the aegis of solidarity, are retraced in his contribution to the Conference ‘Revisiting solidarity in Europe’, which was held on 18 and 19 June 2018 at the Collège de France in Paris. To honour his memory and as a testament to his commitment to a certain idea(l) of Europe, one which is true to its principles of democracy and social justice, here is the text of his contribution, a call, and his last plaidoyer, for a social Europe.’



``他的许多朋友非常悲伤地得知费尔南多·巴斯克斯(Fernando Vasquez)于2020年7月16日在波尔图去世。大约三十年前,我与费尔南多·巴斯克斯(Fernando Vasquez)会面,当时正值另一位不久前去世的朋友让·雅克·巴黎(Jean-Jacques Paris),在欧盟委员会DG V的奥迪·昆汀(Odile Quintin)的指导下,他正在努力欧洲。那是在欧盟作为自由主义后的正统观念失败之前,它在所有成员国中争夺最低的社会和财政竞标者。正如弗雷德里克·图兰(FrédéricTurlan)提醒我们的那样,在最近一期《欧洲联络社会》上发表的致敬词中,n。502,2020年7月23日至9月2日,费尔南多·巴斯克斯(Fernando Vasquez)清楚地目睹了这次倒退,这在很大程度上造成了目前公民与欧洲项目之间的脱节,但这并没有阻止他不懈地争取欧盟的更多正义。这些努力,他对联盟现状的诊断,但不沾沾自喜,以及他在团结支持下确保社会和经济融合的最新建议。于2018年6月18日至19日在法兰西学院举行在巴黎。为了纪念他的记忆并证明他对某种欧洲理念的承诺,这是其民主和社会正义原则的真实写照,这里是他的贡献,呼吁和他最后的窃的文字,为了一个欧洲的社会。”