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Nations and Markets
Journal of International Economic Law ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jiel/jgaa032
Harlan Grant Cohen

ABSTRACT Economics and security seem increasingly intertwined. Citing national security, states subject foreign investments to new scrutiny, even unwinding mergers. The provision of 5G has become a diplomatic battleground—Huawei at its center. Meanwhile, states invoke national security to excuse trade wars. The USA invoked the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade national security exception to impose steel and aluminum tariffs, threatening more on automotive parts. Russia invoked that provision to justify its blockade of Ukraine, as did Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to excuse theirs of Qatar. And with the spread of COVID-19, states are invoking national security to scrutinize supply lines. Multiplying daily, such stories have led some observers to dub the era one of geoeconomics. Nonetheless, these developments remain difficult to judge, and the relationship between economics and national security remains confused and slippery. The essay seeks clarity in the deeper logic of these labels, revealing a fundamental choice between the logics of markets and the logics of state. Whether invoked to ‘secure’ borders, privacy, health, the environment, or jobs, ‘national security’ is a claim about the proper location of policymaking. Appeals to economics, with their emphasis on global welfare and global person-to-person relationships, are such claims as well. Resolving disputes, this essay argues, requires recognizing these root choices.



摘要经济和安全似乎越来越交织在一起。以国家安全为由,各州对外国投资进行新的审查,甚至取消合并。5G成为外交战场,以华为为中心。与此同时,各国以国家安全为由为贸易战开脱。美国援引关税和贸易总协定国家安全例外对钢铝征收关税,对汽车零部件构成更多威胁。俄罗斯援引该条款为其封锁乌克兰辩护,沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国也援引该条款为其对卡塔尔的封锁开脱。随着 COVID-19 的传播,各州正在援引国家安全来审查供应线。这样的故事每天都在增加,一些观察家将这个时代称为地缘经济学时代。尽管如此,这些事态发展仍然难以判断,经济与国家安全之间的关系仍然模糊不清。这篇文章在这些标签的深层逻辑中寻求清晰,揭示了市场逻辑和国家逻辑之间的基本选择。无论是为了“保护”边界、隐私、健康、环境还是工作,“国家安全”都是对适当决策地点的要求。对强调全球福利和全球人与人关系的经济学的诉求也是这样的主张。本文认为,解决争端需要认识到这些根本的选择。揭示了市场逻辑和国家逻辑之间的基本选择。无论是为了“保护”边界、隐私、健康、环境还是工作,“国家安全”都是对适当决策地点的要求。对强调全球福利和全球人与人关系的经济学的诉求也是这样的主张。本文认为,解决争端需要认识到这些根本的选择。揭示了市场逻辑和国家逻辑之间的基本选择。无论是为了“保护”边界、隐私、健康、环境还是工作,“国家安全”都是对正确决策地点的要求。对强调全球福利和全球人与人关系的经济学的诉求也是这样的主张。本文认为,解决争端需要认识到这些根本的选择。