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The legal consequences of jus cogens and the individuation of norms
Leiden Journal of International Law ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0922156520000357
Ulf Linderfalk

International law ascribes to the conferral of a jus cogens status on a norm a particular legal significance. Bluntly put, jus cogens norms have legal consequences that norms of ordinary international law do not. International lawyers have a great many different ideas of what these legal consequences are more precisely. As of yet, the reason for this divide has not been fully clarified. This void tends to confuse jus cogens discourse on several issues such as the immunity of states and state officials in judicial proceedings originating in the violation of jus cogens norms, or the extradition of alleged perpetrators of international crimes, or again the non-applicability of amnesty laws concerning such crimes. It also impedes the justification of judicial and other legal decisions.As this article argues, contrary to the general assumption, a lawyer’s conception of the legal consequences of jus cogens is not theory-neutral but dependent on his or her preferred understanding of the concept of law. The argument goes briefly as follows: (i) What causes international lawyers to disagree is the issue of whether or not jus cogens norms entail obligations concerned with their own enforcement; (ii) this is essentially an issue concerning the individuation of norms; (iii) depending on whether a lawyer takes the position of a legal positivist or a legal idealist, he or she uses different criteria for the individuation of jus cogens norms; and (iv) this is why, for legal idealists, jus cogens norms entail obligations concerned with their own enforcement, whereas for legal positivists they do not.



国际法规定授予强制法在规范上的地位具有特定的法律意义。说白了,强制法规范具有普通国际法规范没有的法律后果。国际律师对于这些法律后果的确切含义有很多不同的看法。到目前为止,造成这种分歧的原因还没有完全弄清楚。这种空白容易混淆强制法就国家和国家官员在源于违反强制法规范,或引渡被指控犯下国际罪行的人,或再次对此类罪行不适用大赦法。它也阻碍了司法和其他法律决定的正当性。正如本文所论证的,与一般假设相反,律师对法律后果的概念强制法不是理论中立的,而是取决于他或她对法律概念的偏好理解。论点简述如下: (i) 导致国际律师不同意的问题是是否强制法规范包含与其自身执行有关的义务;(ii) 这本质上是一个关于规范个性化的问题;(iii) 根据律师是采取法律实证主义者还是法律理想主义者的立场,他或她使用不同的标准来区分强制法规范;(iv) 这就是为什么,对于法律唯心主义者来说,强制法规范包含有关其自身执行的义务,而对于法律实证主义者则没有。