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Eastern Andalusian Spanish
Journal of the International Phonetic Association ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025100320000146
Alfredo Herrero de Haro 1 , John Hajek 2

Eastern Andalusian Spanish (henceforth EAS), is spoken in the east of Andalusia, the southernmost autonomous region of Spain. EAS is most similar to Western Andalusian Spanish (WAS) and to Murcian Spanish, the latter spoken in the autonomous region of Murcia, immediately to the east of Andalusia, and it shares some phonetic traits with EAS, such as vowel lowering. Geographically, Eastern Andalusia includes the provinces of Almería, Granada, Jaén and Málaga, although the precise linguistic delimitation of this area is somewhat more complicated (Figure 1). The main criterion to differentiate EAS from WAS is the lowering or opening of vowels preceding underlying /s/ (Villena Ponsoda 2000). More detailed information on the differences between EAS and WAS can be found in Jiménez Fernández (1999), Villena Ponsoda (2000), Moya Corral (2010) and Valeš (2014). According to Alvar, Llorente & Salvador (1973: map 1696), Cádiz and Huelva in the west are the only Andalusian provinces where vowel lowering before underlying /s/ is not found. As the geographical extent of this phenomenon is widely debated, it is difficult to calculate the precise number of speakers of EAS, but we can assert that this geolect is the native variety of Spanish of approximately 2,800,000 speakers if we take into account the figures from the last census of Andalusia in 2011 (Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía 2011).



东安达卢西亚西班牙语(以下简称 EAS),在西班牙最南端的自治区安达卢西亚东部使用。EAS 与西安达卢西亚西班牙语 (WAS) 和穆尔西亚西班牙语最为相似,后者在穆尔西亚自治区使用,紧邻安达卢西亚以东,它与 EAS 有一些语音特征,例如元音降低。从地理上看,东安达卢西亚包括阿尔梅里亚、格拉纳达、哈恩和马拉加等省,尽管该地区的精确语言划分较为复杂(图 1)。区分 EAS 和 WAS 的主要标准是基础 /s/ 之前的元音降低或打开(Villena Ponsoda 2000)。有关 EAS 和 WAS 之间差异的更多详细信息,请参阅 Jiménez Fernández (1999)、Villena Ponsoda (2000)、Moya Corral (2010) 和 Valeš (2014)。根据 Alvar, Llorente & Salvador (1973: map 1696) 的说法,西部的 Cádiz 和 Huelva 是安达卢西亚唯一没有发现 /s/ 之前的元音降低的省份。由于这一现象的地理范围存在广泛争议,因此很难计算出 EAS 使用者的准确人数,但我们可以断言,如果我们考虑到来自2011 年安达卢西亚的最后一次人口普查(Instituto de Estadística y Cartografíade Andalucía 2011)。
