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Khuzestani Arabic
Journal of the International Phonetic Association ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025100319000203
Nawal Bahrani , Golnaz Modarresi Ghavami

Khuzestani Arabic (ISO 639-3) is a minority language spoken in the southern west of Iran, in Khuzestan province (see Figure 1). The majority of its speakers live in Ahwaz, Howeyzeh, Bostan, Susangerd, Shush, Abadan, Khorramshahr, Shadegan, Hamidiyeh (Balawi & Khezri 2014: 107), Karun, and Bawi. According to Blanc (1964: 6), this variety of Arabic is closely related to the Gelet subgroup of Mesopotamian dialects.1 This dialect is in contact with Bakhtiyari Lori and Persian (Iranian languages of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European language family), as well as Iraqi Arabic. The lexis of the dialect predominantly contains Arabic words, but it also has several Persian, English, French, and Turkish loanwords.



胡齐斯坦语阿拉伯语 (ISO 639-3) 是伊朗西南部胡齐斯坦省的一种少数民族语言(见图 1)。其大多数发言人居住在 Ahwaz、Howeyzeh、Bostan、Susangerd、Shush、Abadan、Khorramshahr、Shadegan、Hamidiyeh (Balawi & Khezri 2014: 107)、Karun 和 Bawi。根据 Blanc (1964: 6) 的说法,这种阿拉伯语变体与美索不达米亚方言的 Gelet 亚群密切相关。1这种方言与 Bakhtiyari Lori 和波斯语(印欧语系的印度-伊朗分支的伊朗语言)以及伊拉克阿拉伯语有联系。方言的词汇主要包含阿拉伯语单词,但也有几个波斯语、英语、法语和土耳其语的借词。