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Upper-Chambira Urarina
Journal of the International Phonetic Association ( IF 1.146 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-27 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025100319000136
Jose Elias-Ulloa , Rolando Muñoz Aramburú

Urarina (ISO 639-3, code ura – Lewis, Simons & Fennig 2016) is an Amazonian language isolate spoken in the Loreto Region of Peru. Most Urarina communities are located on the banks of the rivers Corrientes, Chambira and Urituyacu, which are tributaries of the Marañon River, which in turn is the mainstem source of the Amazon River. Figure 1 shows the map of Peru and the location of the Urarina territory.



Urarina (ISO 639-3, 代码– Lewis, Simons & Fennig 2016)是在秘鲁洛雷托地区使用的亚马逊语孤立语言。大多数 Urarina 社区位于 Corrientes、Chambira 和 Urituyacu 河的岸边,它们是 Marañon 河的支流,而 Marañon 河又是亚马逊河的主要源头。图 1 显示了秘鲁的地图和 Urarina 领土的位置。