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Cross-cultural differences in mother-preschooler book sharing practices in the United States and Thailand
Journal of Child Language ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-09 , DOI: 10.1017/s0305000920000562
Sirada Rochanavibhata 1 , Viorica Marian 1

Cross-cultural differences in book sharing practices of American and Thai mother-preschooler dyads were examined. Twenty-one Thai monolingual and 21 American-English monolingual mothers and their four-year-olds completed a book sharing task. Results revealed narrative style differences between the American and Thai groups: American mothers adopted a high-elaborative story-builder style and used affirmations, descriptions, extensions, and recasting more than Thai mothers. Thai mothers adopted a low-elaborative story-teller style and used more attention directives and expansions than American mothers. American children produced longer narratives than their Thai peers, whereas Thai children repeated their mothers’ utterances more than their American counterparts. Maternal and child narrative styles were associated. These results suggest that maternal scaffolding styles differ across cultures and influence children's developing narrative skills.



研究人员研究了美国和泰国母亲与学龄前儿童在书籍分享实践中的跨文化差异。 21 位泰语单语妈妈和 21 位美英单语妈妈和她们的 4 岁孩子完成了图书分享任务。结果揭示了美国和泰国群体之间的叙事风格差异:美国母亲采用高度精细的故事构建风格,并比泰国母亲更多地使用肯定、描述、延伸和重铸。与美国母亲相比,泰国母亲采用了一种低调的讲故事风格,并且使用了更多的注意力指令和扩展。美国孩子比泰国孩子能讲出更长的故事,而泰国孩子比美国孩子更多地重复母亲的话。母亲和儿童的叙述风格是相关的。这些结果表明,母亲的脚手架风格在不同文化中有所不同,并影响儿童叙事技能的发展。