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Q&A: Humanitarian operations, the spread of harmful information and data protection
International Review of the Red Cross ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-17 , DOI: 10.1017/s1816383120000429

In this Q&A, the Review talks to Delphine van Solinge and Massimo Marelli of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Van Solinge is the ICRC's focal point for understanding how digital technologies and the spread of harmful information affect populations living in conflict environments, and what this means for humanitarian action. To this end, her portfolio is focused on exploring, on behalf of the ICRC and through partnerships, how to mitigate the risks that digital technologies bring in humanitarian settings and ensure relevant protection responses in the digital age. Marelli is Head of the ICRC's Data Protection Office (DPO). During his tenure with the ICRC, the organization has chartered new pathways for how it can carry out its operational work, while ensuring that the data of the affected people which it serves, as well those of its employees, are well protected.During this conversation, van Solinge and Marelli discuss how their areas of work complement and reinforce each other, forming two halves of the same coin with regard to how digital information and data can both be used for positive change and misused in humanitarian settings. Marelli highlights how humanitarian organizations process, protect and use data and digital information. Van Solinge discusses how through misinformation, disinformation and hate speech, information can be manipulated and spread using digital technologies – particularly in the age of the COVID-19, when populations are more reliant on digital communication technologies. Among the issues they discuss are how digital technologies can be used positively, the ethical considerations that humanitarian organizations should take into account, and the possible paths forward for public–private sector collaborations on this theme.



在本次问答中,审查与红十字国际委员会 (ICRC) 的 Delphine van Solinge 和 Massimo Marelli 交谈。范索林格是红十字国际委员会了解数字技术和有害信息传播如何影响生活在冲突环境中的民众以及这对人道行动意味着什么的联络人。为此,她的工作重点是代表红十字国际委员会并通过合作伙伴关系探索如何减轻数字技术给人道环境带来的风险,并确保在数字时代做出相关的保护响应。马雷利是红十字国际委员会数据保护办公室(DPO)的负责人。在红十字国际委员会任职期间,该组织为其开展业务工作开辟了新途径,同时确保其服务的受影响人群及其员工的数据,在这次谈话中,范索林格和马雷利讨论了他们的工作领域如何相互补充和加强,就数字信息和数据如何既可用于积极变革又可用于人道主义设置。Marelli 强调人道主义组织如何处理、保护和使用数据和数字信息。Van Solinge 讨论了如何通过错误信息、虚假信息和仇恨言论,使用数字技术操纵和传播信息——尤其是在 COVID-19 时代,当时人们更加依赖数字通信技术。他们讨论的问题包括如何积极使用数字技术,人道主义组织应考虑的道德因素,