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U.S. Supreme Court Rules that Victims of State-Sponsored Terrorism Can Sue Foreign States for Retroactive Punitive Damages Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
American Journal of International Law ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1017/ajil.2020.75

In Opati v. Republic of Sudan, the Supreme Court upheld a $4.3 billion award of punitive damages against Sudan for its support of the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The Supreme Court held that Congress's 2008 amendments to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) authorized the plaintiffs to recover punitive damages from state sponsors of terrorism for acts committed prior to the enactment of these amendments. This case is part of a broader trend of U.S. litigation brought against states who are designated sponsors of terrorism or alternatively are deemed responsible for acts of terrorism within the United States.



奥帕蒂诉苏丹共和国, 最高法院维持对苏丹 43 亿美元的惩罚性赔偿裁决,以支持 1998 年美国驻肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚大使馆爆炸案。最高法院认为,国会 2008 年对《外国主权豁免法》(FSIA) 的修正案授权原告就这些修正案颁布之前所犯的行为向恐怖主义的国家支持者追讨惩罚性赔偿。本案是美国对被指定支持恐怖主义或被视为应对美国境内的恐怖主义行为负责的国家提起诉讼的更广泛趋势的一部分。