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A survey of the writing instructional practices of Nebraska teachers of students with visual impairments
Exceptionality ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-12 , DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2020.1850450
Michael Hebert 1 , Mackenzie E. Savaiano 1


This paper describes a survey of teachers of students with visual impairments (TVIs) in Nebraska. Questions addressed their preparation to teach writing, writing practices, and beliefs about writing instruction. Twenty-four of 60 TVIs in Nebraska responded to the survey, and 19 answered all questions. Teachers were split on their preparation to teach writing (50% indicated receiving adequate training), but slightly to moderately agreed that they knew how to use writing to support their students’ needs. The TVIs unanimously agreed that all writing purposes (e.g., for fun, to demonstrate knowledge, for daily living activities) are appropriate for students who are functionally blind, students who have low vision, and students with multiple disabilities or deaf-blindness. However, they were split on whether writing instruction was their responsibility (47.8% agreed, 52.2% disagreed) and varied in the use of writing practices across different groups of students (e.g., 74% of TVIs felt writing to inform was appropriate for students who are functionally blind, whereas only 42% and 11% felt this was appropriate for students with low vision and multiple-disabilities, respectively). The implications of this study are limited due to the small number of participants, but the results represent 40% of the total number of Nebraska TVIs.




本文描述了一项对内布拉斯加州视力障碍 (TVI) 学生教师的调查。问题涉及他们教授写作的准备、写作实践以及对写作教学的信念。内布拉斯加州 60 家 TVI 中有 24 家回复了调查,19 家回答了所有问题。教师在准备教授写作方面存在分歧(50% 表示接受了足够的培训),但稍微到中等程度地同意他们知道如何使用写作来满足学生的需求。TVIs 一致同意所有写作目的(例如,为了娱乐、展示知识、用于日常生活活动)都适合功能性失明学生、低视力学生以及多重残疾或失明学生。然而,他们在写作教学是否是他们的责任方面存在分歧(47.8% 同意,52.2% 不同意),并且在不同学生群体之间使用写作练习的方式各不相同(例如,74% 的 TVI 认为写作通知适合功能性较差的学生)盲人,而只有 42% 和 11% 的人认为这分别适合低视力和多重残疾的学生)。由于参与者人数较少,本研究的影响有限,但结果占内布拉斯加州 TVI 总数的 40%。而只有 42% 和 11% 的人认为这分别适合低视力和多重残疾的学生)。由于参与者人数较少,本研究的影响有限,但结果占内布拉斯加州 TVI 总数的 40%。而只有 42% 和 11% 的人认为这分别适合低视力和多重残疾的学生)。由于参与者人数较少,本研究的影响有限,但结果占内布拉斯加州 TVI 总数的 40%。
