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Teachers’ personal worldviews and RE in England: a way forward?
British Journal of Religious Education ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-12 , DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2020.1826404
Ruth Flanagan 1


Teachers’ worldviews may impact their practice in terms of pedagogy, curriculum choices, and the value they assign to, or enthusiasm for, a curriculum subject. In England, Religious Education (RE) involves the teaching of religious and non-religious worldviews. RE teachers often lack training, subject knowledge, confidence or even desire to teach the subject. This article develops a working definition of ‘worldview’ as an individual’s frame of reference, held consciously and subconsciously, that evolves due to life experiences, enabling them to make sense of the world. Hermeneutical tools employed in training sessions with teachers enabled them to identify aspects of their worldviews and the narratives which have formed these. Research was undertaken through semi-structured interviews with 10 Primary school teachers in the South West of England. Findings revealed variations between teachers’ worldview-consciousness and the impact of their worldviews on their teaching of RE: notions of ‘good life’ varied and determined their teaching of, choices within and rationale for RE alongside growing confidence. Depth of understanding was facilitated for some by overseas travel or working and living in an ethnically diverse area. Greater self-understanding for teachers was evident in their acknowledgement of the impact of their own worldviews on their teaching of RE.




教师的世界观可能会影响他们在教学法、课程选择以及他们赋予课程主题的价值或热情方面的实践。在英格兰,宗教教育 (RE) 涉及宗教和非宗教世界观的教学。可再生能源教师通常缺乏培训、学科知识、信心,甚至缺乏教授学科的意愿。本文将“世界观”定义为个人有意识和潜意识的参照系,它随着生活经历而演变,使他们能够理解世界。在与教师的培训课程中使用的诠释学工具使他们能够确定他们的世界观的各个方面以及形成这些世界观的叙述。研究是通过对英格兰西南部 10 名小学教师的半结构化访谈进行的。调查结果揭示了教师的世界观意识与其世界观对可再生能源教学的影响之间的差异:“美好生活”的概念各不相同,并决定了他们对可再生能源的教学、内部选择和基本原理以及日益增长的信心。海外旅行或在多民族地区工作和生活有助于一些人加深理解。教师们对自己的世界观对 RE 教学的影响的承认,可以明显看出他们对自我的了解程度更高。海外旅行或在多民族地区工作和生活有助于一些人加深理解。教师们对自己的世界观对 RE 教学的影响的承认,可以明显看出他们对自我的了解程度更高。海外旅行或在多民族地区工作和生活有助于一些人加深理解。教师们对自己的世界观对 RE 教学的影响的承认,可以明显看出他们对自我的了解程度更高。
