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Examining academic confidence and study support needs for university students with dyslexia and/or developmental coordination disorder
Dyslexia ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-24 , DOI: 10.1002/dys.1670
Emma Sumner 1 , Laura Crane 1 , Elisabeth L. Hill 2

Higher education providers are seeing a shift from externally funded support for students with specific learning difficulties (SpLD), to a need to develop more inclusive practices generally. However, the precise needs of students with different SpLD diagnoses is unknown. A total of 367 students in England and Wales (163 students with dyslexia, 50 students with developmental coordination disorder [DCD/“dyspraxia”], 62 students with dyslexia and DCD, and 92 non‐SpLD students) completed an online questionnaire to determine: (a) how confident they are with their study‐related capabilities, (b) the types of support they access, and (c) their views on current inclusive practices. Students with dyslexia and students with dyslexia/DCD reported lower confidence in their grades and studying than non‐SpLD students, and accessed more technology‐related support than students with DCD only. Examination accommodations supporting writing were common for all SpLD students. Inclusive practices were perceived positively, although different priorities were seen across groups. The findings demonstrate the complexities inherent in providing effective support for all students at university, with the varied profiles across and within SpLD groups suggesting that an individualized approach is necessary. Practical implications are discussed.



高等教育提供者正在看到从外部资助对有特殊学习困难的学生(SpLD)的支持,转变为通常需要发展更具包容性的实践的需求。但是,尚不清楚具有不同SpLD诊断的学生的确切需求。英格兰和威尔士的367名学生(163名阅读障碍学生,50名发展性协调障碍[DCD /“阅读障碍”]学生,62名阅读障碍和DCD学生和92名非SpLD学生)完成了在线问卷调查,以确定: (a)他们对与学习相关的能力有多自信,(b)他们获得的支持类型,以及(c)对当前的包容性实践的看法。阅读障碍的学生和阅读障碍/ DCD的学生对成绩和学习的信心比非SpLD学生低,比仅使用DCD的学生获得的技术支持更多。支持写作的考试设施在所有SpLD学生中都很普遍。尽管各个群体的优先重点不同,但人们对包容性做法持积极态度。研究结果表明,在为所有在校学生提供有效支持方面固有的复杂性,而且SpLD组内和组内的个人资料各不相同,这表明必须采取个性化的方法。讨论了实际含义。SpLD组内和组内的个人资料各不相同,这表明有必要采用个性化方法。讨论了实际含义。SpLD组内和组内的个人资料各不相同,这表明有必要采用个性化方法。讨论了实际含义。