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Tour guiding practice and feedback in guide education: Lessons from London for Japan
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education ( IF 2.628 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2020.100287
Haidee Thomson , Naoko Tanaka , Kyoko Morikoshi

Japan needs an effective guide training system. The London Blue Badge guide training program is considered a successful model to learn from in order to improve guide education. Therefore, as Japan-based researchers, we investigated the London Blue Badge guide training program to discover what makes the program so successful. Using an online survey and focus group interviews with trainees, trainers and qualified guides (N = 130), we discovered that guiding practice and observing model guiding were the most valued elements in the program. In addition, immediate verbal feedback from tutors after guiding practice was valued more than written feedback.



日本需要一个有效的指导培训系统。London Blue Badge 导游培训计划被认为是改进导游教育的成功典范。因此,作为驻扎在日本的研究人员,我们调查了伦敦蓝徽章指南培训计划,以发现该计划如此成功的原因。通过对学员、培训师和合格指导员(N  = 130)的在线调查和焦点小组访谈,我们发现指导实践和观察模型指导是该计划中最有价值的元素。此外,指导练习后导师的即时口头反馈比书面反馈更有价值。
