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Socialising students for Philosophic Practice? An analysis of learning outcomes in tourism taught Master's programmes
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2020.100274
Stuart Hayes 1

Tourism education may have an important role to play in ‘resetting’ tourism onto a more sustainable trajectory post-Covid-19. However, neoliberal policies that have increasingly encouraged higher education institutions to prioritise vocational learning over liberal learning may hinder the development of Philosophic Practitioners (Tribe, 2002), those graduates who may be best equipped for this task. The purpose of this research was to explore the extent to which education for Philosophic Practice (Tribe, 2002) – that which balances vocational and liberal learning - is reflected in the curricula of tourism taught Master's (TTM) programmes offered globally. In particular, the popularity of TTM programmes, combined with a focus on high-level professional responsibilities, means that future decision-making for and about tourism may increasingly rest with the graduates that emerge from these programmes. Using qualitative content analysis, findings show that overall TTM education does have a strong vocational orientation. There are, however, some signs that liberal learning outcomes addressing broader socio-cultural and environmental needs are also being emphasised. Crucially, though, there is little evidence to suggest that vocational and liberal learning are being balanced in TTM curricula. This is a potentially problematic situation that may have implications for sustainable tourism in the future.



旅游教育可能在将旅游业“重置”到 Covid-19 后更可持续的轨道上发挥重要作用。然而,越来越多地鼓励高等教育机构将职业学习优先于自由学习的新自由主义政策可能会阻碍哲学从业者的发展(部落,2002 年),这些毕业生可能最适合这项任务。本研究的目的是探索哲学实践教育(Tribe,2002 年)——平衡职业学习和自由学习——在多大程度上反映在全球提供的旅游授课硕士 (TTM) 课程中。特别是,TTM 项目的流行,加上对高水平专业责任的关注,意味着未来关于旅游业的决策可能越来越多地取决于从这些项目中脱颖而出的毕业生。使用定性内容分析,调查结果表明,整体 TTM 教育确实具有很强的职业导向。然而,有一些迹象表明,解决更广泛的社会文化和环境需求的自由学习成果也受到重视。然而,至关重要的是,几乎没有证据表明职业学习和通识教育在 TTM 课程中得到了平衡。这是一个潜在的问题情况,可能对未来的可持续旅游业产生影响。一些迹象表明,解决更广泛的社会文化和环境需求的自由学习成果也得到了重视。然而,至关重要的是,几乎没有证据表明职业学习和通识教育在 TTM 课程中得到了平衡。这是一个潜在的问题情况,可能对未来的可持续旅游业产生影响。一些迹象表明,解决更广泛的社会文化和环境需求的自由学习成果也得到了重视。然而,至关重要的是,几乎没有证据表明职业学习和通识教育在 TTM 课程中得到了平衡。这是一个潜在的问题情况,可能对未来的可持续旅游业产生影响。
