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Fluidity in project management teams across projects
International Journal of Project Management ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2020.12.001
Claudia Buengeler , Frederik B.I. Situmeang , Wendelien van Eerde , Nachoem M. Wijnberg

Project management teams are often fluid, changing in composition over projects. Fluidity enables innovative project success, as it allows organizing social capital dynamically across projects. In this study, we argue for an optimum between fluidity and stability. We operationalize project management fluidity as the degree of intactness of the whole team from one project to the next. In a sample of 5370 projects of video game development over ten years using information obtained by web crawling on the internet, we find an inverted-U-shaped relation between intactness and project success, assessed as sales, expert reviews, and consumer reviews. We show that optimal intactness shifts according to project context; higher success occurs at lower levels of intactness when projects require more innovation. Finally, we replicate our findings using intactness of relations between project managers and their operational teams. We discuss the implications for project management, and potential future research.



