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Zero-Rating and Vertical Content Foreclosure
Information Economics and Policy ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.infoecopol.2020.100899
Thomas D. Jeitschko , Soo Jin Kim , Aleksandr Yankelevich

We study zero-rating, a practice whereby an Internet service provider (ISP) that limits data consumption exempts certain content from that limit. This practice is particularly controversial when an ISP zero-rates its own vertically integrated content, because the data limit and ensuing overage charges impose an additional cost on rival content. We find that zero-rating and vertical integration are complementary in improving social welfare, though potentially at the expense of lower profit to an unaffiliated content provider. Moreover, allowing content providers to pay for zero-rating via a sponsored data plan raises welfare by inducing the ISP to zero-rate more content.



我们研究零评级,这是一种限制数据消费的互联网服务提供商 (ISP) 豁免某些内容的做法。当 ISP 对其垂直整合的内容进行零费率时,这种做法尤其具有争议性,因为数据限制和随之而来的超额费用会对竞争对手的内容造成额外成本。我们发现零评级和垂直整合在改善社会福利方面是互补的,尽管可能以非附属内容提供商的利润降低为代价。此外,允许内容提供商通过赞助数据计划支付零费率通过诱导 ISP 对更多内容进行零费率来提高福利。
