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Developing benchmarks to capture relative performance for sales force incentives decisions: Lessons from B2B insurance industry
Industrial Marketing Management ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.11.002
Raj Agnihotri , Wei Zhang

Performance-based incentives are widely used in B2B sales; however, sales managers find it challenging to customize such incentives. In response, we propose a new methodology to assess salespeople's capability using performance history data. To evaluate relative performance, we filter out the impact of systematic factors of job characteristics (e.g., channel type, territory, and market size). Therefore, by providing appropriate benchmarks, our approach captures the idiosyncratic component of performance, allowing a direct comparison of a salesperson with other counterparts in the firm. We also account for prospective customer characteristics that let us distinguish between competent salespeople and those fortunate enough to have a customer mix with a high predisposition to buy. Using a data set of automobile insurance sales to small business owners in the U.S., we model salesperson performance as consisting of three stages: generating leads, converting leads to customers and upselling. Our output, a “grade card” for each salesperson, contains metrics that can aid managers in setting individual level performance goals, in deciding who should be rewarded or let go, and in diagnosing salespeople's strengths and weaknesses. Our easy to implement methodology is useful for a wide variety of applications, wherever relative performance needs to be judged.



