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Troubling Territories: Discomfort in Co‐Construction
The International Journal of Art & Design Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-20 , DOI: 10.1111/jade.12325
Peter Gregory , Claire March

The Valuing Voices project (funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation) offered an opportunity to reconsider the territorial boundaries of learning in the arts by a group of teachers, artists, pupils and university lecturers. This article will consider the importance of the troubling or discomfort exposed within the processes of learning over the life of the project (before it was paused due to the 2020 CO‐VID 19 pandemic). There is considerable interest in defining zones of discomfort as a means of understanding the importance of resilience and determination in learning. Much of this stems from the work of Vygotsky, who described zones of proximal development. His work has subsequently been applied to learning activities in general and his particular interest in learning in art has been overlooked. Paul Hamlyn Foundation recognised the challenges of developing effective teachers of art and wanted to provoke some alternative opportunities by funding a number of projects across the UK. Valuing Voices was one of these which grew from an existing alliance of schools (catering for a range of additional needs), a number of artists (visual, sound and movement) who had previously only worked in mainstream educational settings and university staff specialising in art education. An earlier project had facilitated some dialogue within their traditional roles, but Valuing Voices set out to explore something more challenging as everyone involved became part of a co‐construction team. Much is written about the processes of collaboration, teamwork, communities of practice and related models of multiple learners operating together. This article sets out the additional lessons learned by all Valuing Voices participants occupying the zone of learning originally described by Vygotsky, where there was no ‘knowledgeable other’ to enable and further the learning process and all must deal with feelings of inadequacies and immense uncertainties. This was produced in recognition that little literature has been published on the process of co‐construction itself. The structure adopted here sets out the issues, the development of the two‐year project and the emotional and cognitive aspects explored along the way.



价值评估声音该项目(由Paul Hamlyn基金会资助)提供了一个机会,可以重新考虑一组由教师,艺术家,学生和大学讲师组成的艺术学习领域。本文将考虑在项目生命周期中学习过程中暴露出来的困扰或不适的重要性(在此之前,该项目由于2020年CO-VID 19大流行而被暂停)。定义不舒适区域作为了解理解弹性和决心在学习中的重要性的一种手段引起了极大的兴趣。这在很大程度上来自维果斯基的著作,后者描述了近端发育区域。随后,他的工作被广泛应用于学习活动,而他对艺术学习的特殊兴趣被忽略了。Valuing Voices是其中之一,其源于现有的学校联盟(可满足一系列额外需求),许多艺术家(视觉,声音和动作),这些艺术家以前仅在主流教育环境中工作,而大学的艺术专业人才教育。较早的项目促进了他们传统角色之间的对话,但是Valuing Voices着手探索更具挑战性的事物,因为每个参与的人都加入了共同建设团队。关于协作,团队合作,实践社区以及多个学习者一起运作的相关模型的过程,有很多著述。本文列出了所有重视语音的经验教训参与者占据了最初由Vygotsky所描述的学习领域,那里没有“知识渊博的人”来促进和促进学习过程,所有参与者都必须处理自己的不足和巨大的不确定性。这是因为认识到很少有关于共建过程本身的文献发表。这里采用的结构列出了问题,两年项目的发展以及沿途探索的情感和认知方面。