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Development and Initial Validation of the L2‐Teacher Grit Scale
Tesol Quarterly ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-09 , DOI: 10.1002/tesq.581
Ekaterina Sudina 1 , Tony Vernon 2 , Henry Foster 3 , Heather Del Villano 2 , Shoshannah Hernandez 4 , Daniel Beck 5, 6 , Luke Plonsky 1

Grit—“perseverance and passion for long‐term goals” (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007, p. 1087)—has attracted the attention of researchers in fields ranging from psychology to business to education (e.g., Robertson‐Kraft & Duckworth, 2014; Robins, 2019). Continuing the line of research that explores the domain specificity of grit (e.g., F. T. C. Schmidt, Fleckenstein, Retelsdorf, Eskreis‐Winkler, & Möller, 2017), this study introduces the L2‐Teacher Grit Scale (L2TGS) developed to measure grit specifically among English language teachers (N = 202). The results demonstrated, first, that the L2TGS possessed sufficient internal‐consistency reliability (ω = .77). A subsequent principal components analysis revealed a two‐component structure (POV = 50.87%), thus yielding evidence in favor of construct validity. A one‐tailed Pearson’s test for positive correlation between Duckworth and Quinn’s (2009) domain‐general Grit–S and L2TGS scores established concurrent validity of the new measure (rc = .84). Lastly, the L2TGS exhibited a stronger predictive validity, explaining approximately 21% of the variance in L2‐teacher retention‐related scores compared to the Grit–S, which was a statistically nonsignificant predictor accounting for 4% of the total variance. Of note, female teachers had higher levels of grit than male teachers. In sum, our findings indicate support for an occupation‐specific approach to grit.



毅力—“对长期目标的毅力和热情”(Duckworth,Peterson,Matthews和Kelly,2007年,第1087页)—引起了从心理学到商业到教育领域的研究人员的关注(例如罗伯逊·克拉夫特) &Duckworth,2014; Robins,2019)。继续探索砂粒的领域特异性的研究(例如FTC Schmidt,Fleckenstein,Retelsdorf,Eskreis-Winkler和Möller,2017),本研究介绍了L2-Teacher砂砾量表(L2TGS),该量度专门用于测量砂砾英语老师(N= 202)。结果首先表明,L2TGS具有足够的内部一致性可靠性(ω= .77)。随后的主成分分析显示出两成分结构(POV = 50.87%),从而产生了有利于构建体有效性的证据。Duckworth和Quinn(2009)领域通用Grit-S和L2TGS得分之间存在正相关的单尾Pearson检验确定了该新措施的同时有效性(r c= .84)。最后,L2TGS表现出更强的预测效度,与Grit–S相比,解释了L2教师保留相关得分中约21%的方差,后者是统计学上不显着的预测指标,占总方差的4%。值得注意的是,女教师的毅力水平高于男教师。总而言之,我们的发现表明支持针对特定职业的磨砂方法。