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Conscientious internationalisation in higher education: contextual complexities and comparative tensions
Asia Pacific Education Review ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s12564-020-09650-0
Susan Ledger , Colleen Kawalilak

In this paper, authors focus on how internationalisation is defined, interpreted, and responded to by Universities in Australia and Canada, two decades after de Wit’s (Strategies for the internationalisation of higher education. A comparative study of Australia, Canada, Europe and the USA. European Association for International Education, Amsterdam, 1995) comparison of internationalisation in four higher education contexts. Guided by humanitarian factors that impact internationalisation in higher education contexts, authors find convergence and divergence with de Wits earlier study. A critical policy lens is employed to further analyse, probe and pose critical questions related to people, philosophy, place, processes, and power (5Ps). Authors argue that the intent (philosophy) of institutions (place) to internationalise (process) are impacted by the interests (power) of individuals and institutions (people) and these often conflict with descriptions and ideals of internationalisation. The authors offer conscientious internationalisation (CI) to recalibrate discourse and practices embedded in the internationalisation of higher education. CI prioritises ethics over markets. It is characterized as practices and processes informed by constitutive principles and ethical practices that amplify equity, reciprocity, and integrity.



在本文中,作者关注于de Wit的《高等教育国际化策略。澳大利亚,加拿大,欧洲和美国的比较研究》之后的二十年,澳大利亚和加拿大的大学如何定义,解释和应对国际化。 (欧洲国际教育协会,阿姆斯特丹,1995年)在四种高等教育背景下的国际化比较。受到影响高等教育环境下国际化的人道主义因素的指导,作者发现de Wits的早期研究具有收敛性和分歧性。一个关键的政策镜头被用来进一步分析,探究和提出与人,哲学,地方,过程和权力(5P)有关的关键问题。作者认为,机构(场所)进行国际化(过程)的意图(哲学)受到个人和机构(人民)的利益(权力)的影响,并且这些常常与国际化的描述和理想相冲突。作者提供认真负责的国际化(CI),以重新校准高等教育国际化中嵌入的话语和实践。CI优先考虑市场道德。它的特征是通过构成性原则和道德惯例为基础的实践和流程,从而扩大了公平,对等和正直。
