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The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Older Workers: The Role of Self-Regulation and Organizations
Work, Aging and Retirement ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: 10.1093/workar/waaa018
Dorien T A M Kooij 1

Abstract We live in an unusual time, which effects all of us in different ways. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some people are working harder than ever, some people have lost their job, some people can only work from home, and some people have to reinvent how they work (Kniffin et al., 2020). Older 50+ workers might even be more affected by the pandemic compared to younger workers because they are labeled as vulnerable and as being at risk in terms of Covid-19 (Ayalon et al., 2020). However, emerging studies on the impact of Covid-19 suggest that older workers respond more effectively to measures that counter Covid-19 (Losada-Balter et al., 2020). This is in line with the lifespan developmental perspective, which theorizes and demonstrates that older adults generally are very capable of adapting and very effective in dealing with the aging process (Baltes and Baltes, 1990; Freund, 2008). Multiple studies show that older adults engage in various self-regulation strategies aimed at continuously maintaining or restoring person-environment fit (e.g., Kooij et al., 2020; Taneva and Arnold, 2018; Zacher, Kooij, & Beier, 2018a) thus helping them to age successfully at work. In this commentary, I will take a more positive perspective on older workers and discuss the self-regulation strategies that older workers engage in and how organizations can stimulate this. I will end my commentary with some suggestions for future research.


Covid-19 大流行对老年工人的影响:自我监管和组织的作用

摘要 我们生活在一个不寻常的时代,它以不同的方式影响着我们所有人。由于 Covid-19 大流行,有些人比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作,有些人失去了工作,有些人只能在家工作,有些人必须重新发明自己的工作方式(Kniffin 等,2020)。与年轻工人相比,50 岁以上的老年工人甚至可能更容易受到这一流行病的影响,因为他们被贴上易受感染的标签,并且面临着 Covid-19 的风险(Ayalon 等人,2020)。然而,关于 Covid-19 影响的新兴研究表明,老年工人对对抗 Covid-19 的措施反应更有效(Losada-Balter 等,2020)。这与寿命发展观点相一致,该观点理论并证明老年人通常具有很强的适应能力,并且在应对衰老过程方面非常有效(Baltes和Baltes,1990;Freund,2008)。多项研究表明,老年人采取各种自我调节策略,旨在持续维持或恢复人与环境的契合度(例如,Kooij 等人,2020 年;Taneva 和 Arnold,2018 年;Zacher、Kooij 和 Beier,2018a),从而有助于他们能够在工作中顺利变老。在这篇评论中,我将从更积极的角度看待老年工人,并讨论老年工人所采取的自我监管策略以及组织如何促进这一策略。我将以对未来研究的一些建议来结束我的评论。