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Grammatical pragmatics: Language, power and liberty in Ghanaian political discourse
Discourse & Society ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-16 , DOI: 10.1177/0957926519877693
Samuel Gyasi Obeng 1

This study demonstrates the interconnectedness between language, power and liberty. Using two of Dr Joseph Boakye Danquah’s letters written to President Nkrumah (Ghana) and working within the frameworks of language and power and language and liberty (Obeng, present article), we demonstrate that although by being candid, Ghanaian political actors in opposition risk personal danger, such actors have strategies for seeking the protection of their liberty (positive and negative) and for challenging powerful political actors’ actions. The syntactic features used for seeking liberty include factives, antithetic constructions, collocations and voice; the discourse-pragmatic features include inferencing, political pronouns, presupposition, in-group anthroponyms, politeness and metalanguage. In conclusion, language behavior in Ghana’s political ecology is intricately coordinated with political actors’ worldview of and stance on liberty and their willingness to speak candidly instead of giving up on words.



这项研究证明了语言、权力和自由之间的相互联系。使用 Joseph Boakye Danquah 博士写给恩克鲁玛总统(加纳)的两封信,并在语言和权力以及语言和自由的框架内工作(Obeng,本文),我们证明,尽管坦率地讲,反对派中的加纳政治行动者冒着个人风险危险,这些行动者有寻求保护他们的自由(积极和消极)和挑战强大政治行动者行动的策略。用于寻求自由的句法特征包括事实、对立结构、搭配和语音;语篇语用特征包括推理、政治代词、预设、群体内的人名、礼貌和元语言。综上所述,