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The dual causes of fragmentation: Democratic security and the communitarian state in Colombian politics
Discourse & Society ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-16 , DOI: 10.1177/0957926519877694
Neyla G Pardo 1

This chapter analyzes speeches delivered by former Colombian President, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, between August 2002 and August 2009, which can be found on the official website of the presidency: (http://web.presidencia.gov.co/discursos/). We attempt to identify the webs of meaning surrounding the concepts of ‘Democratic Security’ and ‘Communitarian State’ with awareness of the relationship between discourse, ideology and power. The aim is to better understand the political power of the plans, programs and projects developed by Uribe’s administration, and how this was affected by widespread deployment of the media. These policies are conditioned by a set of colonialist principles that are embodied in symbolic-discursive strategies that result in representations, by means of which mechanisms of marginalization, discrimination and polarized hierarchy are legitimized from the different social spheres. During the 7-year period analyzed there were controversial debates over the commission of crimes against humanity by national security agents, as well as corruption scandals over topics like ‘para-politics’, ‘false positives’, selective arrests, extrajudicial killings and violations of the sovereignty of bordering countries. Within this political context, we attempt to identify the inherent tensions and social conflicts. It is argued that the analyzed discourses reproduce colonialist thoughts, in relation to neoliberal principles and the application of global policies. Using the principles of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), we explore the strategies and resources used in Uribe’s speeches and how major themes are positioned to reproduce systems of beliefs, values and attitudes.



本章分析了哥伦比亚前总统阿尔瓦罗·乌里韦·贝莱斯 (Álvaro Uribe Vélez) 在 2002 年 8 月至 2009 年 8 月期间发表的讲话,可在总统府官方网站上找到:(http://web.presidencia.gov.co/discursos/)。我们试图通过对话语、意识形态和权力之间关系的认识来确定围绕“民主安全”和“社群国家”概念的意义网络。目的是更好地了解乌里韦政府制定的计划、项目和项目的政治力量,以及媒体的广泛部署如何影响这一点。这些政策受到一系列殖民主义原则的制约,这些原则体现在导致表征的象征性话语策略中,通过这些策略,边缘化机制,来自不同社会领域的歧视和两极分化的等级制度是合法的。在分析的 7 年期间,存在关于国家安全人员犯下危害人类罪的有争议的辩论,以及关于“准政治”、“误报”、选择性逮捕、法外处决和侵犯人权等主题的腐败丑闻。邻国的主权。在这种政治背景下,我们试图确定内在的紧张局势和社会冲突。有人认为,分析的话语再现了与新自由主义原则和全球政策应用相关的殖民主义思想。使用批判性话语分析 (CDA) 的原则,我们探索了 Uribe 演讲中使用的策略和资源,以及如何定位主要主题以再现信仰系统,