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Comparative investigation of raw and processed products of Gardeniae Fructus and Gardenia jasminoides var. radicans using HPLC coupled with chemometric methods
Biomedical Chromatography ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1002/bmc.5051
Huanhuan Li 1 , Yingying Mao 1 , Yanan Liu 1 , Di Li 1 , Meng Wang 2 , Xiaoliang Ren 1 , Zhiying Dou 1

As a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Gardeniae Fructus (GF) and its processed products, GF (stir‐baked) and GF Praeparatus, have important medicinal value in clinical practice. Gardenia jasminoides var. radicans (GJVR) is a variant of GF, and because of the naming GJVR is often confused in the clinic with GF, resulting in medical misprescriptions. To distinguish GF and GJVR and study the changes before and after processing, the fingerprints of GF and GJVR are presented using HPLC, followed by hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), principal component analysis (PCA), and partial least squares–discriminant analysis (PLS–DA). GF has purging and choleretic effects, and in this study, we determined the content of main active ingredients to preliminarily assess the GF and GJVR quality from the perspective of material basis. For PCA score plot, the samples fell into six clusters, the cross‐validity Q2 (cum) = 0.842 and the cumulative contribution rate R2x (cum) = 0.988, indicating that the model has a good precision. The results were then corroborated by HCA and PLS–DA method, showing that this methodology can distinguish GF and GJVR and can be used for the comparison of raw and two processed products. According to the model established by PLS–DA, eight components were identified as the most significant variables for discrimination. The results obtained by multiple model methods are consistent and verified by each other, providing a scientific reference for further clarification of the medicinal properties of GF and GJVR.



ia子(GF)及其加工产品GF(搅拌)和GF Praeparatus作为常用的中药(TCM)在临床实践中具有重要的医学价值。子茉莉花变种。萝卜(GJVR)是GF的变体,由于命名原因,GJVR在临床上经常与GF混淆,从而导致医疗处方错误。为了区分GF和GJVR并研究加工前后的变化,使用HPLC展示GF和GJVR的指纹,然后进行层次聚类分析(HCA),主成分分析(PCA)和偏最小二乘判别分析(PLS) –DA)。GF具有净化和改善胆汁的作用,在这项研究中,我们确定了主要活性成分的含量,以便从物质基础的角度初步评估GF和GJVR的质量。对于PCA得分图,样本分为六个类,交叉验证Q 2(cum)= 0.842,累积贡献率R 2 x(cum)= 0.988,表明该模型具有良好的精度。然后,通过HCA和PLS-DA方法证实了该结果,表明该方法可以区分GF和GJVR,可用于比较生产品和两种加工产品。根据PLS–DA建立的模型,八个要素被确定为歧视的最重要变量。通过多种模型方法获得的结果是一致的,并且彼此验证,为进一步阐明GF和GJVR的药物特性提供了科学参考。