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Genetic Polymorphism of Siberian Stone Pine ( Pinus sibirica Du Tour) in Kuznetsk Alatau
Contemporary Problems of Ecology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-23 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995425520060116
N. V. Oreshkova , T. S. Sedel’nikova , S. P. Efremov , A. V. Pimenov


The DNA polymorphism of seven coenopopulations of Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) growing in a region which is typical for mountain taiga pine forests—the northeastern part of the Kuznetsk Alatau—has been studied. According to the data of 11 nuclear microsatellite loci, 44 allelic variants which significantly differed between the studied coenopopulations in composition and frequency of occurrence are identified. The highest level of allelic diversity is found in the Ps_80612 and Ps_1502048 loci, in which eight and seven alleles are detected, respectively. The calculation of the main parameters of genetic diversity have shown, on the whole, a relatively low level of polymorphism of the studied samples (NA = 3.078, NE = 1.877, HE = 0.445, and HO = 0.401). An analysis of the degree of subdivision of coenopopulations has revealed that about 95% of the total genetic diversity is concentrated within populations, while the interpopulation component accounts for only about 5% (FST = 0.049). The diagnosed differences in the level of P. sibirica genetic polymorphism are determined by several factors: the presence of orographic and phytocenotic barriers between the coenopopulations, which define the directions of seed propagation vectors along the watercourses of river basins that form the Chulym River in the eastern sector of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Tom River in the western sector; a significant level of bioclimatic and environmental extremeness of habitats of coenopopulations in accordance with the height above sea level; and anthropogenic pressure, including periodic deforestation and recreational impact on coenopopulations located near settlements. These factors, which have a significant microevolutionary component, determine the adaptation trends of coenopopulations of P. sibirica and morphological singularities and reproductive potential of trees and, ultimately, they control their genetic polymorphism in the studied part of the Kuznetsk Alatau.


库兹涅茨克阿拉特高原西伯利亚松树(Pinus sibirica Du Tour)的遗传多态性


已经研究了在库兹涅茨克阿拉托东北部的针叶林(taiga pine forest )典型的七个地区生长的七个西伯利亚石松(Pinus sibirica Du Tour)的DNA多态性。根据11个核微卫星基因座的数据,鉴定出44个等位基因变异,这些变异在组成和发生频率上在研究的共生种群之间有显着差异。在Ps_80612和Ps_1502048位点中发现了最高等位基因多样性水平,其中分别检测到八个和七个等位基因。遗传多样性的主要参数的计算已经表明,总体上,相对低的水平所研究样品的多态性(Ñ= 3.078,Ñ È= 1.877,H E = 0.445,H O = 0.401)。对异种种群细分程度的分析表明,大约95%的总遗传多样性集中在种群内,而异种种群仅占大约5%(F ST = 0.049)。西伯利亚疟原虫水平的诊断差异遗传多态性是由以下几个因素决定的:异种种群之间存在地形障碍和植物盲障碍,它们定义了沿着形成库兹涅茨克阿拉托东部的楚林河和汤姆河东段的流域水道的种子传播媒介的方向。西部部门;根据海拔高度,共生种群栖息地的生物气候和环境极端程度显着;人为压力,包括定期的森林砍伐和休闲活动对定居点附近的外来种群的影响。这些具有重要的微进化成分的因素决定了西伯利亚酵母共生种群的适应趋势 以及树木的形态奇异性和繁殖潜力,最终,它们控制了库兹涅茨克阿拉托研究区的遗传多态性。
