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Donald Trump, legitimisation and a new political rhetoric
World Englishes ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1111/weng.12501
Andrew S. Ross 1 , Damian J. Rivers 2

The rise to the US Presidency of Donald Trump has been accompanied by the emergence of a new political rhetoric, one that is most frequently observed on the social media platform Twitter. Although Twitter has been a feature of political campaigns and communication for several years now, the public has not been exposed to the de‐professionalised, informal use demonstrated by Trump. The rhetoric of Trump can be said in large part to be influenced by his personal history, and his persona as a celebrity TV star, especially through the informality, insults inclusive of nicknaming, and framing himself as a winner and opponents as losers. Although this new rhetorical style is present in all his discourse on Twitter, we focus this study on Trump's pursuit of legitimacy for his proposed border wall on the US–Mexico border, and do so from a Critical Discourse Analysis perspective by utilising Reyes’ (2011) framework for legitimisation in political discourse.


唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),合法化和新的政治言论

美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的崛起伴随着一种新的政治言论的出现,这种言论在社交媒体平台Twitter上最为常见。尽管Twitter多年来一直是政治运动和传播活动的特色,但公众并未受到特朗普展示的非专业化,非正式使用的影响。特朗普的言辞在很大程度上可以说是受其个人历史的影响,以及他作为名人电视明星的性格,尤其是通过非正式性,侮辱包括昵称,并将自己塑造成赢家而反对者则是失败者。尽管他在Twitter上的所有论述中都体现了这种新的修辞风格,但我们的研究重点是特朗普对他提议的美墨边界墙的合法性追求,