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Learning with Immigrant Indigenous Parents in School and Community
Theory Into Practice ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-14 , DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2020.1829384
Patricia Baquedano-López 1

ABSTRACT In this article I introduce a framework that centers indigenous educational sovereignty in university-school partnerships. Developed from collaborative work with Indigenous Maya families who are migrants from Yucatan, Mexico, the framework operates from an understanding that Indigenous parents have knowledge that is important for their children to acquire and that schools are key sites to support this knowledge. I begin the article with a description of the framework that guides our participation in the partnership and which supports indigenous educational sovereignty. I then provide a brief overview of research addressing the growing population of Indigenous Latinx families in US schools. I discuss the partnership which developed from a qualitative study on academic literacies and expanded into a colaborativo (collaborative) that centers on the revalorization and maintenance of indigenous Maya culture and language at the school. I conclude with an example from an activity organized under this partnership that illustrates our consultative process in our family-school-university collaboration.



摘要 在本文中,我介绍了一个以大学-学校伙伴关系为中心的本土教育主权框架。该框架是通过与墨西哥尤卡坦州移民的土著玛雅家庭的合作开发而成的,其运作的基础是理解土著父母拥有对他们的孩子来说很重要的知识,而学校是支持这些知识的关键场所。我首先描述了指导我们参与伙伴关系并支持土著教育主权的框架。然后,我简要概述了针对美国学校中不断增长的土著拉丁裔家庭人口的研究。我讨论了这种伙伴关系,这种伙伴关系从对学术素养的定性研究发展而来,并扩展为以重新评估和维护学校土著玛雅文化和语言为中心的合作(协作)。我以本次合作下组织的一项活动中的一个例子作为结尾,说明了我们在家庭-学校-大学合作中的协商过程。