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Advising in Language Learning in a New Speaker Context: Facilitating Linguistic Shifts
System ( IF 4.518 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.system.2020.102363
Deirdre Ní Loingsigh , Marina Mozzon-McPherson

Abstract This article explores a specific example of advising for language learning utilized to support new speakers of Irish in the workplace. Advising in language learning (ALL) aims to provide a context that enables learners to achieve goals in a resourceful and fulfilling way and, ultimately, to equip them with the independent learning skills necessary to sustain, and transfer, their experiences in different settings. Key to this is the skilled work of language learning advisors.This study analyzes learning interventions between an advisor and a group of fifteen adults. It focuses on their language practices and experiences as observed during an immersion program in an Irish-speaking region. Data in the Participatory Action Research were collected at audio-recorded private and group language advising consultations and facilitated discussions on language anxiety; and in participant diaries and advisor observations. Change in learners’ attitudes; their reception by native speakers, reaction to language exchanges; transformative learning processes; and the advisor’s skillful interventions are examined. The study concludes with reflections and recommendations on the potential role of a local ALL framework to establish positive conditions for the growth of minority languages in revitalization contexts, and lays the foundations for further research on advising for new speakerness.



摘要 本文探讨了为语言学习提供建议的一个具体示例,用于支持工作场所的新爱尔兰语使用者。语言学习咨询 (ALL) 旨在提供一个环境,使学习者能够以足智多谋和充实的方式实现目标,并最终使他们具备在不同环境中维持和转移经验所需的独立学习技能。关键是语言学习顾问的熟练工作。本研究分析了顾问和 15 名成年人之间的学习干预。它侧重于他们在爱尔兰语地区的沉浸式课程中观察到的语言实践和体验。参与式行动研究中的数据是在录音的私人和团体语言咨询咨询中收集的,并促进了关于语言焦虑的讨论;并在参与者日记和顾问观察中。学习者态度的改变;他们受到母语人士的欢迎,对语言交流的反应;变革性的学习过程;并检查顾问的熟练干预。该研究最后对本地 ALL 框架在为少数民族语言在振兴环境中的发展创造积极条件的潜在作用进行了反思和建议,并为进一步研究为新说话者提供建议奠定了基础。对语言交流的反应;变革性的学习过程;并检查顾问的熟练干预。该研究最后对本地 ALL 框架在为少数民族语言在振兴环境中的发展创造积极条件的潜在作用进行了反思和建议,并为进一步研究为新说话者提供建议奠定了基础。对语言交流的反应;变革性的学习过程;并检查顾问的熟练干预。该研究最后对本地 ALL 框架在为少数民族语言在振兴环境中的发展创造积极条件的潜在作用进行了反思和建议,并为进一步研究为新说话者提供建议奠定了基础。